Minggu, 23 Agustus 2015

Early establishment of Kahuripan In East Java

The early history of the founding of the kingdom Kahuripan in eastern Java, Kahuripan is the name commonly used for a kingdom in East Java, which was founded by Airlangga in 1009. The kingdom was built as a continuation of the Kingdom Medang which collapsed in 1006.

The last king of the Kingdom Medang named Dharmawangsa, heavy rival kingdom of Srivijaya. In 1006 King Wurawari of Lwaram (Sriwijaya allies) attacked Watan, the capital of the Kingdom of Medang, which is holding the wedding. Dharmawangsa killed, while his nephew named Airlangga escaped in the attack.

Airlangga was born in 990, his father named Udayana, King of Bedahulu of Warmadewa dynasty, mother named Mahendradatta of Isyana dynasty of royal Medang.

Airlangga married the daughter of his uncle, the Dharmawangsa in Watan, the capital of the Kingdom of Medang (Maospati Java). When the party took place, the city was raided Watan King Wurawari allied kingdom of Srivijaya. This incident was recorded in inscriptions Pucangan, this attack occurred around the year 928 Saka.

In that attack, Dharmawangsa killed, while Airlangga pass to the mountain forests accompanied by her maid Wanagiri  Mpu Narotama . At that time he was 16 years, since the incident he began to live as a hermit. Evidence legacy can be found in the Spring Made, Kudu, Jombang, East Java. After three years of living in the woods, Airlangga visited by delegates of the people who asked him to rebuild the kingdom Medang, because Watan city has been destroyed, he built cities Watan Mas near Mount steps.

When first he ascended the throne of his kingdom only covers an area of Sidoarjo and Pasuruan, because after the death Dharmawangsa many areas subordinate to escape. In 1023 the Kingdom of Srivijaya be great enemy defeated Isyana dynasty king Rajendra Coladewa Colamandala of India. It makes Airlangga freely preparing to conquer the island of Java

Since the year 1025, Airlangga expand its power and influence weakening of Srivijaya. At first performed Airlangga is preparing to enforce kembalikekuasaan strength Wangsa Isnaya on the island of Java. But initially did not go well, because according to the inscription Terep (1032), Watan Mas then captured the enemy, so Airlangga fled to the village Patakan. Based Kamalagyan inscription (1037), the capital of the kingdom already moved in Kahuripan (Sidoarjo).

Airlangga first defeat King Hasin, 1030 conguered Wisnuprbhawa Wuratan king, king Wijayawarma Wengker, then Panuda king Lewa. In 1032, the king Airlangga defeated by a woman from Tulungagung, Mas Watan palace was destroyed. Airlangga was forced to flee to the village accompanied Patakan Mapanji Tumanggala, and build a new city in Kahuripan, in the same year King Wurawari can be defeated along MPU Narotama. Last year in 1035, the king Airlangga insurgency Wijayawarma Wengker ever conquered first. Wijayawarma escape from the city of Tapa but then killed his own people.

Empire development

The new kingdom with its center in Kahuripan, Sidoarjo, Pasuruan territory stretches from the east to Madiun in the west. The north coast of Java, especially Surabaya and Tuban, became an important trading center for the first time. Airlangga ascended the throne with the title of Maharaja Rakai Halu empowerment Sri Sri Dharmawangsa Airlangga Anantawikramottunggadewa. Airlangga also expanded the empire to the Central Java, even hegemony admitted to Bali. According to the inscription Pamwatan (1042), the center of the kingdom and then moved to Daha (Kediri).

After a safe state, Airlangga started to developments for the welfare of its people. Development recorded in inscriptions legacy among others.

  • Build Sri Wijaya Dormitory year 1036
  • Build dams K. Seven in 1037 to prevent seasonal flooding.
  • Fixing Galuh Hujung port, which is located at the mouth of the Brantas River, near Surabayasekarang.
  • Build roads linking the coastal area to the center of the kingdom.
  • Inaugurated the mountain hermitage Pucangan year 1041.
  • Moved the capital from Kahuripan to Daha

When it is, Airlangga known for tolerance beragamanya, namely as protector of Hinduism Shiva and Buddha.

Airlangga also pay attention to the literary arts. Year 1035 Mpu Kanwa write Arjuna Wiwaha, which was adapted from the epic Mahabharata. The book tells the struggle Arjunamengalahkan Niwatakawancaka, as figuratively Airlangga beat Wurawari.

cleavage kingdom

In the year 1042 became pastor of Airlangga abdicate, he holds a receipt Aji Paduka Mpungku the Pinaka Catraning Bhuwana. Based on folklore, Airlangga crown princess refused to be king and chose to live as a hermit named Sacred Goddess Kili. The original name of the daughter of the inscription Cane (1021) until the inscription Down Hyang (1035) is Sanggramawijaya Tunggadewi.

According Fiber Calon Arang, Airlangga then confused to choose a replacement for his two sons vie for the throne. Considering he is also the son of the king of Bali, then he intended to put one of his sons on the island. His teacher called MPU Bharada go to Bali propose that intention but failed. Historical facts show Udayana replaced his second son named Marakata as king Bali, and Marakata then replaced another sister who is the Son Wungsu.

Airlangga then halve the kingdom. MPU Bharada assigned to establish the border between the west and east. This cleavage event was recorded in Fiber Calon Arang, Nagarakretagama, and inscriptions Down Hyang II. It creates two new kingdoms. Western kingdom called Kadiri centered in the new town, which Daha, ruled by Sri Samarawijaya. While the eastern empire called Janggala centered in the old town, which is Kahuripan, ruled by Mapanji Garasakan.

In inscription Pamwatan, 20 November 1042, Airlangga still holds Maharaja, while the inscription Gandhakuti, 24 November 1042, he had the title of Majesty Mpungku Resi Aji. Thus, royal cleavage events are estimated to occur in between the two dates.

It is not known exactly when Airlangga died. Inscription Sumengka (1059) heritage Janggala just mentioned, Rishi Aji Majesty Mpungku buried in tirtha or baths. Bathing pool that best suits the inscription news Sumengka is Temple on the slopes of Mount STEPS Hemisphere.

At the pool found the statue of Vishnu flanked by two goddesses. Based Pucangan inscription (1041) note Airlangga is a devout Hindu Vishnu. Thus, the third statue can be estimated as a symbol of Airlangga with his two wives, the mother and the mother of Sri Samarawijaya Mapanji Garasakan.

Important figures Airlangga future

Mahendradatta, also known as Gunapriya Dharmapatni Bali, is the daughter of the king of Sri Makutawangsa wardhana of Isyana dynasty (Medang Kingdom). He is married to Udayana, Bali dariWangsa Warmadewa king, who then had several sons, namely Airlangga who later became king in Java, and Children Wungsu who later became king in Bali

Mpu Narotama is a faithful helper Airlangga accompany since the breakout until the reign of his employer. According to the inscription Pucangan, Airlangga and Narotama from Bali. Both came to Java in 1006.

Sanggramawijaya Tunggadewi is Airlangga daughter who became heir to the throne Kahuripan, but chose to resign as a recluse holds Sacred Goddess Kili. In the reign of Airlangga, since the kingdom was centered in Watan Mas until moving to Kahuripan, Sanggramawijaya figures served as rakryan Mahamantri aka princess crown. The full title is Rakryan Mahamantri i Hino Sanggramawijaya Dharmaprasada Tunggadewi. This name is found in inscriptions Cane (1021) until the inscription Down Hyang I (1035). Sacred Goddess figures Kili in Panji story is told as a noble figure highly respected. He often helps difficulty couples Flag Inu Kertapati and Galuh Candrakirana, nephew.

Sacred Goddess Kili is also associated with a fairytale creation of Kelud. Narrated as a youth he was spoken by a human-headed bull named Mahesasura. Holy Kili willing to accept the proposal as long as Mahesasura able to make him a giant wells.

Giant wells were created thanks to the miracle Mahesasura. Unfortunately, Mahesasura fell into the well because the Holy Kili framed. The soldiers Kadiri on the orders of the Holy Kili well hoard it with rocks, rock piles so much to mounting, and created Kelud. Therefore, if Kelud erupted, Kediri always the victims, as an expression of anger Mahesasura spirits.

Sacred Goddess Kili is also contained in the Babad Tanah Jawi as the eldest daughter of Rishi Gentayu Koripan king. Kingdom Koripan then halved, be Janggala and Kadiri, each headed by a sister Holy Kili, namely Amiluhur Ox and Ox Peteng.

This story is similar to the facts of history, namely after Airlangga abdicated in 1042, the empire was divided in two, into Kadiri led Sri Samarawijaya, and Janggala led Mapanji Garasakan.

In the reign of Airlangga and kings before, the highest position after the king was rakryan Mahamantri. This position is identical with the crown prince, and it was mainly occupied by the son or son-king.

From the inscriptions issued Airlangga since 1021 until 1035, which served as rakryan Mahamantri is Sanggramawijaya Tunggadewi. Meanwhile, the inscription Pucangan (1041) came a new name, namely Samarawijaya as rakryan Mahamantri.

Sanggramawijaya Tunggadewi identical with the eldest daughter of Airlangga in Fiber Calon Arang, who resigned to become a recluse named Sacred Goddess Kili. In the story, the Goddess of the Holy Kili reported to have two younger brothers. Thus, Samarawijaya certainly is the sister Sanggramawijaya Tunggadewi.

Civil War

Prior to abdicate in 1042, Airlangga faced with the problem of competition between his two sons. So, he divides his kingdom into two, namely Kadiri and Janggala. This incident was reported in Nagarakretagama and Fiber Calon Arang, and reinforced by the inscription Down Hyang (1044).

In inscription Down Hyang, known king Janggala name after cleavage is Mapanji Garasakan. And his name is not mentioned clearly Kadiri, but can be expected to be held by Samarawijaya, since he had already served as crown prince.

Down Hyang inscription is a boon Mapanji Garasakan instrument of ratification in 1044 of the villagers Down Hyang faithful help Janggala against Kadiri. Thus, cleavage empire conducted by Airlangga seem futile, because his two sons, namely Samarawijaya and Mapanji Garasakan still fight for power.

There is an element Firm in Samarawijaya title, showing that he was the son of a daughter born Airlangga Dharmawangsa. While Mapanji Garasakan is the son of the second wife. Allegations that Airlangga had two wives is based on the discovery of two statues of women in the temple on the slopes of Mount STEPS Hemisphere, which is believed to be the burial site of Airlangga.

Cleavage of the kingdom after the death of Airlangga not produce results. Civil war still going on between Garasakan king Janggala against Sri Samarawijaya king Kadiri. At first victory was in the Janggala. In the year 1044 the village Down Garasakan set Hyang as sima autonomous or fief, because the village leaders loyal help Janggala against Kadiri.

In 1052 Garasakan gives grace to the village Malenga for help Janggala beat Aji Linggajaya king Cape. Linggajaya a subordinate king Kadiri. Charter with respect to the event known as the inscription Malenga.

MPU Bharada appear in Fiber Calon Arang as a figure who managed to defeat the enemy Airlangga, namely Calon Arang, widow of the village Girah magic.

It is also claimed, Airlangga intend to abdicate become pastors. He then studied at Bharada MPU. Both his son compete for the throne. Since the eldest son of the king Airlangga Bali, then he intended to put one putrnya on the island.

MPU Bharada sent to Bali convey that purpose. On the way across the sea, MPU Bharada enough to ride a leaf. Arriving in Bali Airlangga submitted requests rejected by the MPU MPU Bharada Kuturan, which intends to lift his grandson as king Bali.

Based on historical facts, king Bali at that time (1042) was the Son Wungsu Airlangga own sister.

Airlangga forced to divide his kingdom for the sake of peace his two sons. According Nagarakretagama, Bharada MPU is responsible for determining the boundary between the two parts of the country.

Narrated, MPU Bharada fly while pouring water jug. When he came near the village manger, MPU Bharada robe caught tamarind tree branches. He was angry and cursed tamarind tree becomes stunted. Therefore, residents around the area named Kamal Pandak, which means "sour short".

Pandak Kamal village on the site of the Majapahit era Prajnaparamitapuri establishment, the temple spirits pendharmaan Gayatri, wife of Raden Wijaya.

Finish setting limits Kadiri Kingdom and Janggala based runoff pitcher, MPU Bharada utter a curse, whoever dared to violate the limits of his life will have bad luck. According to the inscription Mahaksobhya published Kertanagara king Singhasari 1289, MPU curse Bharada already Wisnuwardhana fresh thanks to the efforts to unite the two regions.

Nagarakretagama also mentioned, MPU Bharada is a Buddhist priest who blessed the village land or image Weak Weak Write. This news is quite unique because it can be a spiritual teacher who embraced Hinduism Airlangga Vishnu.

Calon Arang is a character in Javanese and Balinese folklore of the 12th century. No longer known who concocted this story. A copy of the Latin text that is very important in the Netherlands, namely in Bijdragen Koninklijke Instituut.

She is a widow black magic users who often damage crops farmers and cause illness. Calon Arang has a daughter named Ratna Manggali, which although beautiful, can not get a husband because people are afraid of her mother.

Because of the difficulties faced by his daughter, Calon Arang angry and he intended to take revenge by kidnapping a young girl. The girl he brought to a temple to be sacrificed to the goddess Durga. The next day, the floods hit the village and many people died. The disease arises.

King Airlangga who know about it and ask the assistance of advisors, Professor Baradah to overcome this problem. Baradah masters and sent a soldier named professor Bahula to be married to Rachel. Both married massive with a party that lasted seven days and seven nights, and the state is back to normal.

Calon Arang have a book that contains the sciences of magic. One day, this book was found by Bahula who handed it to the professor Baradah. When Calon Arang know that his book had been stolen, he became angry and decided to fight the professor Baradah. Without the help of Goddess Durga, Calon Arang was lost. Since he was defeated, the village was safe from the threat of black magic Calon Arang.


Airlangga was the son of Udayana of Warmadewa dynasty, mother named Mahendradatta of Isyana dynasty of royal Medang. Airlangga meempunya two sisters, namely Marakata who later became king of Bali, and the Putra Wungsu which replaces Marakata, Airlangga married the daughter of his uncle, the Dharmawangsa in Watan, the capital of the Kingdom of Medang. But when the wedding took place there was an attack of the king Wurawari.

In that attack, Dharmawangsa killed, while Airlangga pass to the mountain forests accompanied by her maid Wanagiri Mpu Narotama. At that time he was 16 years, since the incident he began to live as a hermit.

At the end of his reign he divides into two, Kadiri kerajaanya based in Daha, and Jenggala based in Kahuripan. In the case of government he was helped by MPU Bharada who is also a teacher, Mpu Bharada also became a role model when Airlangga divide his kingdom into two.

Airlangga married the daughter of his uncle, the Dharmawangsa in Watan, the capital of the Kingdom of Medang (Maospati Java). When the party took place, the city was raided Watan King Wurawari allied kingdom of Srivijaya. This incident was recorded in inscriptions Pucangan, this attack occurred around the year 928 Saka. #Salam Satu Jiwa

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