Senin, 24 Agustus 2015

History of the Hindu kingdom of Kutai Kartanagara

From the end of kulon we will cross over to the island of East Kalimantan we will dissect a little story " history of theHindu Kingdom Kutai Kertanegara"kutai kingdom has become one pradaban that are advanced in the nation in its time, the history of this kingdom which is already included in the school curriculum since the author had entered a different school with: salakanegara royal, royal kandis, royal Pamalayu in jambi.ok author will take reverensi of next article :) :) sorry for the story of history must really are like aslinnya.

                                                                             PART I

Judging from ancient Indonesian history, Kutai Kingdom is the oldest kingdom in Indonesia. This is evidenced by the discovery of 7 inscription written on yupa (stone monument) which was written in Sanskrit by using letters Pallawa. Based paleografinya, these writings are thought to originate from the 5th century AD.
The inscription can be seen from the existence of a kingdom under the leadership of the King Mulawarman, son of King Aswawarman, grandson of Maharaja Kudungga. Kingdom ruled by this Mulawarman named Kingdom of Kutai Martadipura, and conveniently located across from the town of Muara Kaman.
At the beginning of the 13th century, stood a new empire in the Stone Edge or Kutai Lama named Kingdom of Kutai with the first king, Aji Batara Sakti Dewa Agung (1300-1325).

With the two kingdoms in the Mahakam River is certainly cause friction between them. In the 16th century there was war between the two kingdoms of this Kutai. Aquatic mammal kingdom under king Aji Prince Sinum Flag chances, finally conquered the Kingdom of Kutai Martadipura. The king then called his kingdom into the Kingdom of Kutai Ing Martadipura.

Aquatic mammal kingdom established in the early 13th century in the area called the Stone Edge or Kutai Lama (now a village in the subdistrict Anggana) with the first king of the Supreme Deity Aji Batara Sakti (1300-1325). The kingdom was called by the name of the Royal Cape Kute in Kretagama State, which is one of the conquered areas on the island of Gajah Mada Tanjungnegara by of Majapahit.

In the 16th century, under the leadership of the Kingdom of Kutai king Aji Prince Sinum Flag chances, conquered the Kingdom of Kutai (or also called: Kutai Kingdom Martadipura or Martapura Kutai Kingdom or the Kingdom Mulawarman) located in Muara Kaman.
Raja Kutai was later named the kingdom into the Kingdom of Kutai Ing Martadipura as a fusion between the two kingdoms.

In the 17th century, Islam spread Mr Stables Parangan well received by the Kingdom of aquatic mammal which then led Aji Natural Majesty King Crown. After several decades, the term king is replaced with the title of Sultan. Adji Mohamad Sultan Idris (1735-1778) was the Sultan of Kutai first to use the name of Islam. And the royal title was changed to Kutai Sultanate ing Martadipura.

In 1732, the capital of the Kingdom of Kutai Kutai Lama moved from Pemarangan.
Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris, who is the son of Sultan Wajo Lamaddukelleng went into Wajo, South Sulawesi to join fight against VOC along Bugis people. Kutai Sultanate government to temporarily held by the Board of Trustees.

In 1739, Sultan A.M. Idris fall on the battlefield. After the death of Sultan Idris, there was a struggle for the throne by Aji Gift. Imbut Aji royal crown prince who was still small then rushed to Wajo. Aji Gift then formalize its name as the Sultan of Kutai by using the title of Sultan Aji Muhammad Aliyeddin.

As an adult, Aji Imbut as rightful heir of Kutai Sultanate Kutai back to the ground. By the Bugis and courtiers loyal to the late Sultan Idris, Aji Imbut crowned as the Sultan of Kutai with the title of Sultan Aji Muhammad Muslihuddin. Muslihuddin Sultan's coronation held in Mangkujenang (Samarinda Seberang). Since it began the fight against Aji Gift.

Resistance was with finesse strict embargo by Mangkujenang against Pemarangan. Sulu pirate fleets involved in this resistance to the attack and piracy against Pemarangan. 1778, Aji Gift asking for help VOCs but can not be fulfilled.

In 1780, Aji Imbut retook the capital Pemarangan and was officially crowned as the sultan with the title of Sultan Aji Muhammad Muslihuddin in Kutai Sultanate palace. Aji Gift executed and buried on the island Jembayan.

Aji Imbut title Sultan Aji Muhammad Muslihuddin moved the capital of the Sultanate of Kutai to Edge Pandan on September 28, 1782. This migration is done to eliminate the influence of the bitter memories of the reign of Aji Gifts and Pemarangan considered to have lost tuahnya. Name Edge Pandan then converted into meaningful Home Appliances White King, White Ladder eventually more popularly known as Tenggarong and persisted until now.

The problem is something that raises a statement encouraging to find the answer or something that should be solved Poerwadarminta (1976: 634) .Next Surachmad (1980: 3) also said that the problem is the difficulty that drives every human being to solve it.

Based on the above, the formulation of the problem in this paper is as follows:

  •  how these developments and the origin of the Kingdom of Kutai in East Kalimantan, especially royal Kutai Karta State
  •  Who Did the empire that once led in aquatic mammal kingdom and how they affect the development of life in terms of cultural, economic, and social.

The purpose of the authors make this paper is to achieve several objectives, among others, can be pointed out as follows:

1. In order to know how these developments and the origin of the Kingdom of Kutai in East Kalimantan, especially royal Kutai Karta State

3 In order to Understanding and Knowing Who Did the empire that once led in aquatic mammal kingdom and how they affect the development of life in terms of cultural, economic, and social.

                                                                                    CHAPTER II
A. Definition

1. Definition of the Kingdom
According to Wikipedia, the kingdom (also called "the government") is the agency in a pertubuhan which has the power to make and implement laws and regulations in the particular region sesebuah.
Typically, referring to the royal kingdom lay there on the same local rank, nationality or Intl. However, pertubuhan commercial, academic, religious and other government seems also to have depth. Size empire differed by region and purpose.

As the Government of the Kingdom of interest
"The kingdom is no longer restricted to the" maintenance of law and order "and picked up the results. But the role of the Kingdom already be extended so involved with all the motion-geri economic, social and political in an independent country". (Tun Dr Mahathir Bin Mohamad).
In general, the royal functions as a regulator sesebuah life in the country to achieve the following objectives:

  • Order and security of the state
  • Virtue people
  • Strengthen the coherence and harmony
  • Defense and security
  • Communications Intl

2. Kutai is one of the oldest kingdoms in Indonesia, which is expected to appear in the fifth century AD or ± 400 M, the existence of the kingdom known based news sources are found in the form of inscriptions in the form of Yupa / stone pillar amounted to 7 pieces.

B. The Kingdom of Kutai

capital city

Kutai Lama (1300-1732) Pemarangan, Jembayan (1732-1782) Edge Pandan / Stairs White / Tenggarong (1782-present)


Malay language (dialect Kutai)

Islam (official)

  - 1300-1325

Aji Batara Supreme Gods Way
  - 1920-1960

Aji Muhammad Parikshit

  - Established

  - Being sultanate

17th century
  - Merged into RI

Now part of the


Aquatic mammal kingdom established in the early 13th century in the area called the Stone Edge or Kutai Lama (now a village in the subdistrict Anggana) with the first king of the Supreme Deity Aji Batara Sakti (1300-1325). The kingdom was called by the name of the Royal Cape Kute in Nagarakretagama (1635), which is one of the conquered areas in the state Tanjungnagara Island by Gajah Mada of Majapahit.
1. History
History of the following Kutai kingdom was divided into three phases, namely phase include: First phase Martadipura Kutai era, the era of the Second phase of Kutai Kartanegaradan phase of European colonial era. Here is a glimpse of the history of each of the phases:

a. Kutai Martadipura
Based on textual data is the oldest found, Kutai is the oldest kingdom in Indonesia. The kingdom is thought emerged in the 5th century AD, or ± 400 M. The presence of the kingdom known by the inscription form Yupa / stone pillar amounted to 7 pieces, which are found in Muara Kaman, Regency.
Yupa inscription which uses letters Pallawa Sanskrit language tells of a king named Mulawarman, who became king in Kutai Kingdom Martadipura. Mulawarman king is the son of King Aswawarman, and grandson of Maharaja Kudungga. Knowledge of the existence of Kutai Kingdom Martadipura is very minimal. During this time, the very archeology relies on written information contained in the inscription and Salasilah Kutai.

b. Kutai Ing Martadipura
In general, historical research on Kutai sorely lacking. In fact, the discovery of the relics of ancient sites Kutai Kingdom much damaged by mining activities. This dark period of history Kutai slightly parted in the 13th century to the top, as the establishment of the Kingdom of Kutai, the first king of the Supreme Deity Aji Batara Sakti (1300-1325). The central kingdom is in Stone Edge or Kutai Lama.
During its development, the King Kutai, Aji Prince Sinum Flag chances, conquered the kingdom of Kutai Martadipura the 16th century, and put it with the kingdom, Kutai. Furthermore, a combination of the two kingdoms he named Kutai Ing Martadipura.

In the 17th century, Islam began to start to come in and be accepted by both the Kingdom of the aquatic mammal. Furthermore, Islam is the official religion in this kingdom, and the title of king was replaced by the sultan. Sultan, who first used the name of Islam is Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris (1735-1778).

In the reign of Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris, he and his followers went to the area to help the Sultan Wajo Wajo Lamaddukelleng are also law, the fight against the Dutch VOC. During Sultan gone, the kingdom led by a Board of Trustees. In 1739, Sultan A.M. Idris fall on the battlefield. After the death of Sultan Idris, the throne was seized by Aji Gift, which actually is not entitled to the throne. In the event of this struggle for the throne, Crown Prince Aji young Imbut had rushed to Wajo, the land of his grandfather. Since then, Aji Gift officially ruled in Kutai with the title of Sultan Aji Muhammad Aliyeddin.

As an adult, Aji Imbut as legitimate heir of Kutai Sultanate Kutai back to the ground. By the Bugis and courtiers loyal to the late Sultan Idris, Aji Imbut crowned as the Sultan of Kutai with the title of Sultan Aji Muhammad Muslihuddin. Muslihuddin Sultan's coronation held in Mangkujenang (Samarinda Seberang). Since then, began the fight against Aji Gift.

Resistance takes place by means of an embargo Pemarangan, the capital of the aquatic mammal. In this fight, Aji Imbut assisted by the pirates of Sulu. Pemarangan it difficult to quell the blockade Aji Imbut assisted these pirates. then Aji Gift asking for help VOC, but can not be met by the Dutch. Finally, Aji Imbut regained the throne Kutai and became king with the title of Sultan Aji Muhammad Muslihuddin. While Aji Gift executed and buried on the island Jembayan.

After becoming king, Aji Imbut moved the capital of the Sultanate of Kutai to Edge Pandan on September 28, 1782. This migration is done to erase the bitter memories of the reign of Aji Gifts, and also, Pemarangan (previous capital) is considered to have lost tuahnya. Because the king moved to the edges of Pandan, hence the name Edge Appliances Pandan then converted into meaningful White House King. Gradually, called the White Ladder with Tenggarong. The name remained until today. In 1883, Aji Imbut died and was replaced by Sultan Aji Muhammad Salehuddin.

c. European Colonial Era
Relations with Europe begins with the arrival of two British merchant ships leader James Erskine Murray in 1844. Britain came to ask for the land where they established a trading post. England also demanded exclusive rights to run the steam ship in the waters of the Mahakam. UK demand was rejected Sultan A.M. Salehuddin. Furthermore, the Sultan only allow Murray to trade in Samarinda region alone. Murray was not satisfied with the Sultan's decision. Therefore, Murray then fired a cannon shot toward the palace. Kutai royal troops fought until they managed to beat England. British troops fled, while Murray was killed in the fighting.

Tenggarong incident in this battle to the British. Actually, the British wanted retaliation against Kutai, but the response by the Dutch, that Kutai is one part of the Dutch East Indies. Therefore, this issue is the responsibility of the Netherlands. As a follow up, the Netherlands and then send the fleet to attack Kutai. In the battle of maintaining Tenggarong, Kutai Commander Awang Lor fall on the battlefield. While Sultan A.M. Salehuddin evacuated to Build City. Since then, Kutai subdued under Dutch rule.

As a follow up, dated October 11, 1844, Sultan AM Salehuddin must sign an agreement with the Netherlands, which contains recognition of and submission to the Netherlands. Dutch representative domiciled in Banjarmasin. In 1863, the kingdom of Kutai back entered into an agreement with the Netherlands. In the agreement it was agreed that, aquatic mammal kingdom became part of the Government of the Netherlands East Indies.

1888, first in Kutai coal mining opened in Stone Panggal by Dutch mining engineer, JH Menten. Menten also laid the groundwork for the first oil exploitation in the area of Kutai. Pengeksloitasian royalties on natural resources in Kutai given to Sultan Sulaiman.

When the Japanese occupied the Kutai region in 1942, the Sultan of Kutai return must be subject to Tenno Heika, the Emperor of Japan. At that time, Japan gave the Sultan honors degree Koo with royal name

When Indonesia gained independence in 1945. The Kutai Sultanate with the status of the Autonomous Regions, included in the Federation of East Kalimantan together sultanate other areas, such as Bulungan, Sambaliung, Powder Mountain and Sand. Then also formed the Council of the Sultanate. On December 27, 1949, included in the Republic of Indonesia Kutai States.

2. Lineage Kutai Kingdom
Until now, the archaeologists do not know the complete genealogy of the kings in the era of Kutai Martadipura. But it is believed that, the founder of the royal family or dynasty is Aswawarman. In Yupa inscription also explained that, Aswawarman called Amshuman god / god of the sun and seen as Wangsakerta, or the founder of the royal family. It shows that, Asmawarman has embraced Hinduism and regarded as the founder of a family or dynasty in Hinduism. Before Aswawarman, ruling in Kutai Martadipura is Maharaja Kudungga.

Unlike the Kutai Martadipura, the lineage of the kings in the era of aquatic mammal that stood in the 13th century can be traced in full. Here's the order of the kings who ruled until today.

  1.      Dewa Agung Aji Batara Sakti (1300-1325)
  2.      Aji Supreme Paduka Batara Nira (1325-1360)
  3.      Maharaja Aji Sultan (1360-1420)
  4.      King Aji Mandarsyah (1420-1475)
  5.      Aji Prince Hero Member Bayabaya (1475-1545)
  6.      Aji Majesty King Crown Nature (1545-1610)
  7.      Aji Violated (1610-1635)
  8.      Aji Prince Sinum Flag chances, Martapura ing (1635-1650)
  9.      Aji Prince Dipati Supreme ing Martapura (1650-1665)
  10.      Aji Prince Dipati Maja Kusuma ing Martapura (1665-1686)
  11.      Yeast Aji title of Queen of the Great (1686-1700)
  12.      Aji Prince Dipati Old (1700-1730)
  13.      Aji Prince Anum Flag chances, Martapura ing (1730-1732)
  14.      Aji Muhammad Idris (1732-1778)
  15.      Aji Muhammad Aliyeddin (1778-1780)
  16.      Aji Muhammad Muslihuddin (1780-1816)
  17.      Aji Muhammad Salehuddin (1816-1845)
  18.      Aji Muhammad Sulayman (1850-1899)
  19.      Aji Muhammad Alimuddin (1899-1910)
  20.      Aji Muhammad Parikshit (1920-1960)
  21.      H. Aji Muhammad Salehuddin II (1999-present)

3. Period Kutai Kingdom
If traced, Martadipura Kutai reign lasted from the time Kudungga the 5th century until digabungnya this kingdom in the 13th century the kingdom of aquatic mammal due to losing the war. While aquatic mammal kingdom lasted from the 13th century to the present.

4. Territory
Martadipura Kutai territory covers an area of East Kalimantan today, especially the Mahakam River basin. While Kutai Ing Martadipura territory, covering the area which is now the Kutai regency, West Kutai, East Kutai, Bontang, Samarinda and Balikpapan.

5. Structure
Have not obtained a complete archaeological data about the system and the structure of government in Kutai Kingdom. From archaeological data that shows the influence of Hinduism in this kingdom, it could be concluded that the Kingdom is led by a king. However, it can not be traced further, how the structure of lower levels.

6. Social and Cultural Life
History Kutai Kingdom Martadipura is still dark period. Very little archaeological evidence was found for the history mngugnkap. So far, the evidence is too bersadnar the invention 7 Yupa inscription, plus manuscript Salasilah Kutai. However, from the data that is still very low, can be revealed little about the social and

cultural life in the past.

a. Social Life
In the social life of a harmonious relationship is established between the King Mulawarman with the Brahmans. In Yupa inscriptions described how King Mulawarman gifts of gold very much, and also alms 20,000 cows to the Brahmans in the holy land called Waprakeswara. Waprakeswara is a shrine to worship the god Shiva. In Java, this holy land called Baprakewara.
It is not known with certainty the origin of the gold and the cow was obtained. If gold and cattle imported from elsewhere, then, it can be concluded that the Kutai kingdom had engaged in trade.

b. Culture of Life
In cultural life can be said Kutai kingdom already quite advanced. This can be seen from the procession penghinduan (blessing Hinduism), or also called Vratyastoma ceremony that has been done in this kingdom. Vratyastoma ceremony held first time in the era of Aswawarman. Vratyastoma ceremonial leader, according to experts are the priests (Brahmins) of India. But during the Mulawarman, presumably penghinduan ceremony was led by pastor / Brahmans natives.

The existence of the Brahmans of the indigenous population show they have had a fairly high intellectual ability, because to be a Brahmin requires mastery of Sanskrit.
Moreover, from a variety of archaeological objects have been found in East Kalimantan, shows in the region has existed a cultural community with a fairly high civilization.

Some even predict the existence of cultural communities have existed since thousands of years ago, in the pre-history. Among the very interesting findings are caves in Borneo Timu, in Marang Mountains region, approximately 400 kilometers north of Aberdeen. In the cave, also found shards of pottery tools and a number of tombs. Goa which serves as a residence is also equipped with decorations or ancient paintings on the walls.

These findings are thought to originate from prehistoric times 10,000 years old. It shows this area has been quite advanced. In other excavations at historical sites Kutai Kingdom, also found a variety of artifacts, such as the ruins of the temple form peripih, beads, pottery, bronze sculpture and ceramics are very beautiful.

c. Socio-economic life of Kutai Kingdom
Judging from the location of Kutai Kingdom on trade and shipping lanes between the West and the East, the trading activity appears to be the main livelihood. People Kutai has been actively involved in international trade and of course they also trade up to the waters of the East Java Sea and Indonesia to look for merchandise that is sold in the international market. Thus, Kutai has including transit area of international trade, the Strait of Malacca-Java Sea-Makassar Strait-Kutai - China, or vice versa.
Economic life in the kingdom of Kutai reflected in one of the inscriptions, the contents, as shown below. (This monument is written to (warning) two (cases) who have
Mulawarman the wherewithal by the mountain of oil, with lights and flower panicles) From Content Yupa above, we can find some objects
wherewithal namely oil, lights, and flower panicles. Alms from the king to the
Brahmins certainly in large numbers. To that end, the necessary amount of oil,
lamps and flower panicles are many. The objects were found in
large numbers if there is an attempt to increase it. The presence of oil
and flower panicles, we can conclude that there have been efforts in the
agriculture is done by the people of Kutai. Meanwhile, lampulampu
The result of the efforts in the field of handicrafts and carpentry.
This indicates that the two areas of the business has been growing
The Kutai communities. Similarly, in another inscription, contains the following. Mulawarman, noble king and foremost have to give alms
20,000 cows to Brahmins who like fire. take place
in a very holy land Waprakeswara, for goodness established monument in remembrance of this) it can be concluded that the economic life of the tablets was
where cows are brought to you by King Mulawarman to Brahmins.
The existence of cows showed a farm business conducted by
Kutai people. Statues were found by archaeologists show
that the statue is not from Borneo, but originated from India.
Thus, it can be concluded that the existing relationship between the Kutai
and India, especially trade relations.

d. Culture & Trust Kutai Kingdom
Cultural life of Kutai community is closely related to trust / religious affiliations. Yupa is one of the results of culture Kutai, the stone monument which is the ancestral heritage of Indonesia from the Megalithic era, namely the form of menhirs. One yupa it mentions a sacred place by the name Waprakeswara (places of worship of Lord Shiva). It can be concluded that the public Kutai is faiths Shiva (Hindu).

e. political life
Kutai Kingdom situated near the Mahakam River in East Kalimantan.
The existence of this kingdom can be seen from seven inscriptions (Yupa) which
found in Muarakaman, edge Mahakam River. Inscriptions shaped yupa
The use of letters Pallawa and Sanskrit. According to experts, it is estimated
Kutai kingdom influenced by Hindu kingdoms in South India. Estimated it
based by comparing the letters in Yupa with inscriptions in India.

From the shape of the letters, the inscription was thought to originate from the 5th century AD When
compared with inscriptions in Tarumanagara, the shape of the letter in the kingdom
Kutai much older. Based on one of the Yupa inscription,
we can know the names of the kings that ever reigned in Kutai, namely Kundungga, Aswawarman and Mulawarman. The inscription is: "Srinatah sri-narendrasya, kundungasya mahatmanah, putro svavarmmo vikhyatah, vansakartta yathansuman, Tasya mahatmanah son, Tryas Traya ivagnayah, Tesn traynam prvrah, tapobala- damanvitah, sri mulavarmma rajendro, yastva bahusuvarunakam, tasya yjnasya Yupo 'yam, dvijendarais samprakalpitah. (The maharaja Kundungga, very noble, had his famous son, the Aswawarman who like Amshuman, the Aswawarman has three sons as sacred fire. The most prominent is the Mulawarman, civilized king good, strong, and powerful. He performed salvation with lots of gold. for that stone monument was established).

7. Regional aquatic mammal kingdom
Ing Kutai Kingdom Martadipura standing in the 4th century until the 17th century AD and is based in Muara Kaman, aquatic mammal. Kutai kingdom established in 1300 to 1959 experienced twice the displacement center of government. Central government in 1735-1959 is not mentioned in the story. Years 1300-1734 based in Kutai Lama or Stone Edge. The first king of the Supreme Deity named Aji Batara Sakti and queen named Princess Coral Melenu.

At that time, the territory of the Kingdom of Kutai covers a wide area, from coastal areas, left-right area of the Mahakam River, to the extent of Muara Kaman to hick. The area is a territory of the Kingdom of Kutai Ing Martadipura until the collapse of the kingdom in the 17th century.
Samarinda region including also into the territory of the Kingdom of Kutai. But then, there is a village not even stand up, let alone the city. Until the mid-17th century, the area of Samarinda is a cultivation of paddy fields and some residents. Cultivation of paddy fields and was generally concentrated along the banks of the river Coral Reef Mumus and acid.

Samarinda city establishment is inseparable from the Bugis people migrated Wajo, South Sulawesi. It is they who built Samarinda. According lontara or genealogy arrival Bugis spread throughout the archipelago began in 1668.
The spread was due to unrest in the kingdom of Bone South Sulawesi in 1665. When it held the big event wedding Goa son with the daughter of Bone. Then there was a fight between the sons of the sons of Bone and nobility Wajo for cockfighting event. When the nobleman's son was killed wounded Bone magic dagger Wajo son.

Coat Kutai Sultanate
In the 16th century, under the leadership of the Kingdom of Kutai king Aji Prince Sinum Flag chances, conquered the Kingdom of Kutai (or also called: Kutai Kingdom Martadipura or Martapura Kutai Kingdom or the Kingdom Mulawarman) located in Muara Kaman. Raja Kutai was later named the kingdom into the Kingdom of Kutai Ing Martadipura as a fusion between the two kingdoms.


Kutai Sultanate ing Martadipura is a sultanate located in the area now known by the name Tenggarong, East Kalimantan Province. Kutai Sultanate expected to stand in the 1300s AD (14th century) and was removed in 1960. However, Kutai Sultanate exist back in 2001 by lifting the title of the title of Sultan Haji Sultan Aji Muhammad Salehuddin II.
Early a.Sejarah and interaction with the Majapahit Kingdom
History of Kutai Sultanate Martadipura ing can not be separated from the establishment of the Kingdom of Kutai. Evidenced by the existence of Kutai Kingdom found seven inscriptions (stone pillar) called yupa in East Kalimantan. The seventh yupa written in Sanskrit and use Pallawa characters commonly used in the 5th century AD at the command of a king named Mulawarman. When comparing the letters used in the inscriptions in Kutai Kingdom Pallawa letters from India, it is estimated Kutai Kingdom stands at 4-5 century AD
Until recently, scientific and comprehensive study that highlights the relationship between the Kingdom of the Kingdom of Kutai Kutai - which is the forerunner of Kutai Sultanate ing Martadipura - has never been done. The existence of a missing link between the establishment of the two kingdoms that have adjacent locations remains a separate problematic among archaeologists and historians. However, both archaeologists and historians to this day still agree that basically between the Kingdom and the Kingdom of Kutai Kutai still have a relationship history.

Kutai Kingdom located on the banks of the Mahakam river, precisely in Muara Kaman, while aquatic mammal kingdom is more to the estuary or now known as Kutai Lama. Kutai Lama is an area that is close to the city of Samarinda now. Selection of the actual location of Kutai Lama is due to pragmatic at once logical choice. First, Kutai Lama is an area traversed by the Mahakam river which also serves as a trade route. Second, Muara Kaman (Kutai Lama) is famous for soil fertility suitable for agriculture.

Time establishment Kutai kingdom is still being debated. The historical record that had been identified to mention that the first king of the Kingdom of Kutai ruled in 1300-1325 AD Eiseuberger in the book Amir Hasan Bondan Kiai, torch history of Borneo in Soetoen (1975), stated that the first king of the Kingdom of Kutai ruled in 1380-1410 M. on the other hand, the name of the kingdom of aquatic mammal has been recorded in a book in 1365 AD Negarakretagama Finally, Ibn Batuta wrote in his notes that the Kingdom of aquatic mammal has been there in years 1304-1378. Thus be seen from various data above, it is likely that the kingdom of aquatic mammal has been established in the 14th century AD
Kutai name comes from the Chinese "Kho Thay" which "means the great country". Medium mammal means "have rules". So the meaning of the name of the aquatic mammal is a "big country that has laws".

 At the beginning of standing, the name of Kutai Sultanate ing Martadipura is the kingdom of the aquatic mammal. This aquatic mammal kingdom name is used as a differentiator with Kutai Kingdom. The founder of the Kingdom of the aquatic mammal is the Supreme Deity Aji Batara Sakti, a young man from the area named jaitan screen.

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