Senin, 24 Agustus 2015

Ancient Human understanding and discovery of fossil Meganthropus Paleojavanicus

Understanding Ancient human has begun to be taught in the curriculum taught junior high school, and it's my own experience, ok go directly to the subject matter of this tutorial, postings that have then been learned about the types of ancient human ever found in Indonesia and we start with "ancient human understanding "

Ancient human (prehistoric people) is the type of man who lived long before the invention of writing, early humans are believed to have inhabited the earth since about 4 million years ago.

However, historians believe that the first human species has existed on this earth about 2 million years ago.

Due to the length of time, the remains of early humans have been petrified or turned into fossils. Therefore, early humans also often called fossil humans.

Ancient man was the type of man who lived in the Pleistocene era that has characteristics very simple good physical shape, intelligence, and stick civilization. Read the first article as the Quaternary.

Judging from the characteristics, early humans have smaller brain volumes than modern humans. To find early human life in Indonesia there are two ways, namely as follows:

1. With through the remains of human bones, animals, plants that have been petrified (fossilized).

2. With over legacy equipment and supplies human life as a result of human culture, such as household appliances, buildings, jewelry or weapons.

Of all types of early humans have ever known especially ever found in Indonesia, among others, Meganthropus paleojavanicus, Pithecanthropus erectus, Pithecanthropus soloensis
Pithecanthropus mojokertensis, soloensis homo, homo wajakensis, homo

This discussion will continue past the post of early humans "Pithecanthropus erectus" and this time we will meeneruskan with early humans probably older than Pithecantropus erectus, which Meganthropus paleojavanicus "Meganthropus Paleojavanicus is the oldest ancient human in Indonesia.

Meganthropus Paleojavanicus derived from the following words:

Mega which means "great".
Anthropus which means "man".
Paleo which means "the oldest / eldest".
Javanicus which means "Java"

So Meganthropus Paleojavanicus means "big man of the oldest of the island of Java". Meganthropus Paleojavanicus estimated to live in two million years ago.

The characteristics Meganthropus Paleojavanicus are as follows:

Has a strong jaw bone
Do not have a chin
Shows human characteristics but closer to apes.
Big and burly.

Paleojavanicus Meganthropus fossil found by Von Koenigswald in 1936 in the area of Sangiran, Sragen, Central Java. Therefore, the findings of fossil Meganthropus is still very little, it is difficult to place with a definite position in the evolution of man and his relationship with Pithecanthropus.

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