We as people of the island of Java have heard Jongko Joyoboyo / jayabaya period, the contents of this term for the Java believed to be forecast from King jayabaya king daha / kediri who reigned circa 1135-1157 The full title is the name of the Maharaja Sri Sri Warmeswara Madhusudana Mapanji Jayabhaya Awataranindita Suhtrisingha ParakramaUttunggadewa.
In the reign of the prabu jayabaya affluent people of all needs
fulfilled and no term gemah ripah tablets jinawi toto tentrem Kerto raharjo in this period Kediri kingdom / daha / Panjalu be a golden age, the great king himself left a note in prasastiada 3 inscriptions and 1 record in kakawin Bharatayudha.
We return to the contents of stall / forecasts, many predictions prabu jayabaya are about the future of the turn government raised the sinking of a kingdom to forecast the future of our present and future of this country been many instances of tragedy in this country is almost similar as in foretelling the jayabaya among the other end of the rule of Hindu kingdom / Buddha in Java land until the birth of the empire Demak etc.
This forecast is known in particular in Javanese society preserved for generations by the poet. The origin of the main fiber Jayabaya forecast can be seen in the book Musasar composed by Sunan Giri Prapen. Although many doubt its authenticity, but very clearly the sound of the first verse book Musasar who wrote that Jayabaya who make these forecasts.
Book Musarar made when King Jayabaya in Kediri mighty, fear and defeat the enemy, no one dared.
Nevertheless, the fact that the two poets contemporary of King Jayabaya, the mpu Sedah and mpu Panuluh, did not mention that that King Jayabaya has written work in their books entitled Kakawin Bhāratayuddha, Kakawin Harivamsa, and Kakawin Gatotkacasraya.
Kakawin Bhāratayuddha just tell war between the Kauravas and the Pandavas were called war Bhāratayuddha, while Kakawin Harivamsa and Kakawin Gatotkacasraya contains about the story when the prabu Krishna wants to marry denganRukmini of land Kundina, daughter prabu Bismaka. Rukmini is the incarnation of Dewi Sri.
From various sources and existing information regarding Jayabaya forecast, then the scholars generally agree that the source of this prediction is actually only one, namely the Book of Asrar (Musarar) bouquet of Sunan Giri Perapan (Sunan Giri 3rd) that kumpulkannya the Saka year 1540 = 1028 H = 1618 AD, only a difference of 5 years with the completion of Pararaton book about the history of Majapahit and the Singosari written on the island of Bali in 1535 Saka or 1613 AD So the writing of this resource has been since the days of Sultan Agung of Mataram reign (1613-1645 AD).
Book Jayabaya first term and seen the original, is the brainchild of Prince Wijil I of Kadilangu (pr Prince Kadilangu II) had written in Java = 1741-1743 AD 1666-1668
The poet is indeed a prince free. Have the right to independence, which means have the power region "Perdikan" domiciled in Kadilangu, near Demak. Indeed he was a descendant of Sunan Kalijaga, so logically if he can find his ancestral history of close, especially about the history of the entry of the UB last (5th) follow the new religion, Islam, as a triangular meeting between Sunan Kalijaga, UB-V and Advisor to the King Word benama Palon and Nayagenggong.
Besides, he served as Chief of Bureau Palace Kartasura poet of his time when Sri Pakubuwana II (1727-1749). The work of the Prince in the form of books for example, Padjadjaran Chronicle, Chronicle of Majapahit, Demak Chronicle, Chronicle Pajang, Chronicle Mataram, King Kapa-kapa, Professor of History, etc. When Sri Pakubuwana I ascended the throne (1704-1719) whose coronation in Semarang, the Governor-General benama van Outhoorn who ruled in 1691-1704. Then replaced GG van Hoorn (1705-1706), the poet prince who at the time was still young. Also brought in Semarang as a prince who gave Restu to its former glory palace in 1629 Java = 1705 M, which witnessed GG. Van Hoorn.
When the palace Kartasura will be moved to the village of Sala, the poet asked pandapatnya by Sri Pakubuwana II. He then assigned the duty and obligation as a researcher to investigate the state of the land in the village of Sala, who was elected to establish the palace to be established in 1669 Java (1744 AD).
The poet died on Monday Pon, 7 Maulud Year 1747 Java Be Jam'iah 1672 AD, who in his day Sri Pakubowono 11 in Surakarta. Position as Prince Merdeka replaced by his own son the Prince Soemekar, then renamed Prince Wijil II in Kadilangu (Prince Kadilangu III), while his position as poet Surakarta palace replaced by Ngabehi Yasadipura, on Thursday Legi, 10 Maulud Year 1672 Be Java = 1747 M.
Jayabaya term that we know today is the composition of the Book Musarar, which is actually to call "The Book Asrar" Authorship 3rd Sunan Giri is. Furthermore, the poet behind also mention the new name.
Book Asrar it contains lkhtisar (summary) state history of Java, namely the alternation shift overview countries since antiquity until the fall of Majapahit and replaced by the Queen of Reality is a first Islamic kingdom in Java, which is referred to as "Giri Kedaton".
Giri Kedaton seems Represents Islamic era the first transition of power in Java which lasted between 1478-1481 AD, ie before Raden Patah crowned as the Sultan of Demak by the mayor in 1481 AD However, the presence of Islam in Giri palace is still "essence" and also forwarded to the days of Sunan Giri 3rd.
Since Sunan Giri this 3rd practical power over due conquest carried out by Sultan Agung of Mataram; Since Raden Patah the throne (1481) Queen of Sunan Giri this Kedatan then descend to the throne, was replaced by Queen whole jajatah, is the Sultan of Demak, Raden Patah. So palace in this Giri stands roughly between 1478-1481 AD or even longer, ie since the first Sunan Giri raise it or might have been since Maulana Malik Ibrahim, who died in 1419 AD (882 H).
After the empire fell during the Sultan of Demak Trenggono, then the throne fell into the hands of the king who earned the nickname "Queen of Bobodo") is the Sultan Pajang. So called because of the influence of Ki Ageng oriented half Buddhist / Hindu and half under the influence of Islamic mysticism jenar Siti, who is also wanted in Exterminate influence since the mayor was still alive.
After this kingdom fell anyway, then replaced by the new ruler, Queen Sundarowang is Mataram reigns with the title of King Hanyokro Kusumo (Sultan Agung) who ruled the whole of Java and Madura.
In the future (in terms, from the point of the minds of Sri Sultan Agung of Mataram) will emerge a king reigns in the kingdom this Sundarowang Wali Allah is a king who holds the ruling King Herucakra throughout Java-Madura, Patani and Srivijaya.
Sultan Agung testament that contains the phrase prediction, that one day after he fell from the throne, this great kingdom will be restored his authority, it later era, long after the death of Sultan Agung. This means his successor kings assessed (in view of inner) as kings were no longer independent free.
Can we assume, as in the later years of practical Mataram has become a puppet state VOC is an enemy of Sultan Agung (remember war Sultan Agung with VOC in 1628 and 1629 that diluruk to Jakarta / Batavia by Sultan Agung).
By Poet, Book Asrar composed and formed again with the establishment and another way, namely by taking the principal / beginning of the story of King Jayabaya of Kediri. Where the name is known from Kakawin Bharatayudha, authored by MPU Sedah in Saka 1079 = 1157 M at the command of Sri Jayabaya in Daha / Kediri.
After receiving pathokan / new data, the king Jayabaya which is known to the public as clever fortune telling, the poet (Prince Wijil) and then write it back, with the composition "Term Jayabaya" This, combined with the fiber source Bharatayudha the book Asrar and growth overview countries previously authored in the form chronicle.
Then from the results, look for core research and diorbitkan juice in the form of new works in the hope can be a source of encouragement for the struggle of generations of children and grandchildren in the future.
Ideals poet described as the golden age, clearly sourced spirit of inner picture of Sultan Agung. If we examine the chronology, now turned out to show a picture of a great country full sovereign who now benama "Republic of Indonesia". Both sources are diperpadukan it turns out always inspired poets who lived century later centuries, especially the famous poet R.Ng., the great-grandson poet Yasadipura substitute Prince Wijil I.
Book Asrar Jayabaya term of this really be considered completely by the poet in Surakarta in 18/19 century AD and has been a source of light is a new Java libraries and culture. This turned out with the emergence of new essays, Book Asrar / Musarar and Jayabaya that only a mere prophetic.
So that after the growing assortment of bouquets especially the new version which is the essence Jayabaya fibers mixed or forecast period, but with a speech that is connected with the historical environment of each other so it is a great addition for the history of this country.
All of that has come from a seed source, namely the Book of Sunan Giri Asrar work 3rd and Long Jayabaya composition of the book Asrar earlier, plus fiber Mahabharata written by MPU Sedah & Panuluh. Thus, this Jayabaya Term rewritten with compositions by Prince Wijil Java I in 1675 (1749 AD) along with his composition in the form of poetry, namely the Book Musarar. With so be clear what we read today
Book Musasar Jayabaya
1. Book Musarar made when King Jayabaya in Kediri mighty, fear and defeat enemies, no one dared.
2. He is powerful because incarnation of Vishnu. At that time the King became the great king, kings army.
3. Terkisahkan that The King had a son handsome man. After the adults made king in Pagedongan. Very raharja his country.
4. It is encouraging the King. At that time tersebutkan The King will receive guests, a king named priests of the Roman Empire, Sultan Maolana.
5. named Ngali Samsujen detail. His arrival was greeted well. For the guest of a king other priests respectable nation.
6. After sitting Sultan Ngali Samsujen said: "The King Jayabaya, let me give you advice menge.nai Book Musarar.
7. The mentioned only three times longer then the kingdom will be replaced by someone else ". The King listened with the best. Because he has to understand the will of the Gods.
8. The King soon became a pupil of the King Pandita. All content is well known Musarar Book. Beliaupun remember staying perk 3 times.
9. There will be placed in the sign Pandita were left at the shrine that brings Imam Supingi to raise kutbah,
10. Weapons ECIS was named Udharati. Dikelak later there Maolana still grandson of the Prophet which wanders up to P. Java brings the ECIS. Punden later became Java.
11. Raja Pandita said goodbye and disappeared off the seat. Then after a month terkisahkan The King called his son.
12. When the son came and invited to Padang mountain. The father and son were once came and went up to the mountain.
13. There Festive named Festive Subrata. King Jayabaya pick a king who berincoknito including Vishnu incarnation ..
14. Because the King is very alert, knew before the event about the kings because The King receives sasmita occult.
15. When Islam as the Prophet. King Jayabaya long chat on the mountain. Met with ki Festive Padang mountain. That ascetic asceticism so what happens desired.
16. hie honor. After sitting ki Festive call a endang who bring offerings. Colorful contents. Seven colorful and complete eight dengarn endangnya.
17. Jadah (glutinous) setakir, garlic one tray, one pack jasmine flower, blood sepitrah, turmeric sarimpang, tree and flower Kajar mojar one pack.
18. Eighth endang a. Then ki Ajar deliver to worship: "This is our dish to the King". The King vigilant then pulled a gun keris.
19. Ki Festive stabbed to death. Likewise endangnya. Keris then inserted again. Pupil-pupil ran in fear. While the king's son was disappointed to see his father's deeds.
20. The son shall ask fear. Then they also return. Coming in kedaton The King spoke with his son.
21. Heh my son. You know the act of the Learned that I killed. For sinned against my teacher Sultan Maolana Ngali Samsujen when young.
1. He was already diwejang (notified) by the teacher on the book Musarar. Same as me. But he violated a promise, destroyed kings in Java. After all, I've been told that I live 3 times again.
2. When you are dripping three times and then there are times again not my actions. It has been said by Maolana Ngali unlikely changed again. Given the symbol times semune Chess immediately ASAT.
3. That Jenggala, Kediri, Singasari and Ngurawan. Four king was still my power. Happy country on earth. Destroys evils.
4. After 100 years destroyed the fourth kingdom. Then there are the times again that does not belong to me, because I've separated the brothers, secret place.
5. In the teacher's signature Maolana Ngali. Therefore please be advised by our children and grandchildren that there will be times Anderpati named Kala-wisesa.
6. Symbol: Sumilir dragon kentir semune pepeka Liman. It states Padjadjaran. The country without justice and statecraft, after a hundred years later destroyed.
7. Because fighting with siblings. Crops were given gold tax. Because I got a dish of ki Festive sarimpang turmeric. Then switch to the king of Majapahit era in King UB.
8. Similarly, the name of the king holds the Rajapati Dewanata. The nature is called Anderpati, ten tiger duration (80 years). The result of such state picis (money). It turns out that time of ki Festive dishes.
9. The cuisine Jadah one Takir. Sima fierce symbol that time semune suspicious loaves. Then times changed again. In Gelagahwangi with its capital in Demak. There is a religion with its leader Diyati Kalawisaya title.
10. Sixty-five years later destroyed. Who enthroned Queen of Justice and the trustee and priests all love. Tax people in the form of money. Turned out I was given a Jasmine flower dish by ki Ajar.
11. The State is given the symbol: Kekesahan durung partnership kampuhe kaselak surgery. Then switch Kalajangga age. Display with legal capital as at Demak. Not replaced by his son. 36 years later destroyed.
12. The country is given the symbol: cangkrama putung watange. People in the village of taxable clothing and money. Because ki Festive first gave the dish a tree Kajar. Then change the times in Mataram. Kalasakti King Anyakrakusuma.
13. Loved troops. Strong armed forces and rich, respected throughout the Javanese. Even instead Festive and carers and priests, united in himself the King fair.
14. King powerful but refined. People taxable reyal. For the time that I got the garlic dish of ki Ajar. Its king was given the title: Sura Kalpa semune sinipat latitude.
15. Then change again with the symbol: Flower sempol Semune muezzin without sreban. The fourth king of the efflux given symbol Kalpa SRU kanaka butts. One hundred years later destroyed because against the allies. Then there is the skipper who came to trade.
16. Trading in Java and then got a piece of land. Eventually joined the war and always win, so prominent in the island of Java. times have changed though still descendants of Mataram. State named Nyakkrawati and the capital in Pajang.
17. King teamwork mixed. Java compatriots respected. Which begin to be king with the title keli semune satriya brangti Layon. Then change the title of king: semune kenya musoni. Not long later changed.
18. Name the king of Lung yam rara nglikasi (King of the full initiative in all things, but it has disadvantages like a woman) then change the meta semune mite elephant man (King respected / feared, but humiliating.) Sixty years receive a curse that sunk the country and not karu-known law.
19. At the time the tax is Money anggris people and uwang. Because I was given a blood meal sepitrah. Then state commotion. Land is not berkasiat, broken government. People get hurt. The assortment of disasters that can not be denied.
20. State broken. King parted with people. Regent stand alone. Then switch Kutila age. Kara king's wrath (Kings of mutual revenge.). Symbol Flag Display loro semune Mataram (Two inter-led force jegal want to drop).
21. The skipper (stranger) participated ruled. Have courage and rich. Bachelor (The wise and sensible) does not exist. People miserable. The house is falling apart hit a big way. Then replaced with the symbol Rara ngangsu, relict loro nututi pijer tetukar ((queen who always followed / staked two older sisters to replace it).
22. There is the opportunity to decorate themselves (King who could not rule the country because their problems are troublesome), Sinjang tinolih tan tank top was a symbol according to the arrival Samsujen Ngali Seh Kala Bendu. In Semarang Tembayat that is understood / understand these symbols.
23. Tax people many kinds. Increasingly ride. Harvest does not make full. The result is reduced. bad people became increasingly become a great man his jail. Increasingly growing misery state.
24. Law and state courts useless. Changing command. Justice does not exist. The truth is considered wrong. Considered true evil. Satan disguised as a revelation. Many people forget God and parents.
25. The woman lost her honor. Because I was given a dish Endang by ki Ajar. Start the war did not end. Then there is the sign of broken country.
26. A lot of things that are extraordinary. Rain wrong time. Many earthquake and eclipse. Life is precious. Java Land apart. Then the king's wrath Kara Kutila destroyed.
27. Then will come later white Alas semune Pudak kasungsang (King be white but still hidden). Born on Earth Mecca (the Muslims who are very tawheed). Being the king of the world, the title of Queen Amisan, ceased misery on earth, the skipper participated in the trial.
28. King descent Wali Allah. Berkedaton two in Mecca and the land of Java (Muslims who had great respect for ancestors and tradition blend with the teachings of Java (Java kawruh)). It is located close to the boat mountain, west battle. Loved his troops. Indeed, the famous king of the world.
29. At that time there was justice. People taxes dinars because I was given a dish chrysanthemums by ki Ajar. At that time the king of good governance at all. His handsome sweet smile.
Fill forecast
1. tomorrow yen wis ana Crete without distance --- Later, if the existing carriage without horses.
2. Soil Java garland wesi --- Java berkalung iron.
3. Prahu mlaku ing vertex clouds --- Boats walk in space.
4. Kali ilang kedhunge --- River springs loss.
5. Market ilang kumandhang --- Market loss of voice.
6. Iku tandha yen tekane Jayabaya times wis cedhak --- That is a sign of the times Jayabaya been approached.
7. Earth I suwe I shrink --- Earth increasingly constricted.
8. Sekilan earth dipajeki --- plot of land is taxed.
9. Jaran hooked manganese sauce --- horses like to eat chili.
10. Wong wadon nganggo pakeyan lanang --- Those women dressed man.
11. Iku tandhane yen Wong will nemoni Wolak-waliking times --- It was a sign of the times people will experience berbolak forth
12. Akeh ora promise ditetepi --- Lots of promise unfulfilled.
13. keh wong wani nglanggar sumpahe dhewe --- Many people dare to violate the oath itself.
14. manungsa's his happy padha --- People are throwing error.
15. Ora legal ngendahake Hyang Widhi --- No matter the law of Hyang Widhi.
16. malicious items pulled up --- Evil-cherished upheld.
17. Goods hated --- The holy scriptures (precisely) hated.
18. Akeh manungsa mung ngutamakke dhuwit --- Many people are only concerned with money.
19. Lali kamanungsan --- Forgot humanitarian identity.
20. Lali kabecikan --- Forget of wisdom.
21. Lali lali relatives sometimes forget --- Forgot your relatives.
22. Akeh father anaesthetized children --- Many forget the child's father.
23. Akeh nglawan wani child's mother --- Many brave child against the mother.
24. Nantang father --- Challenging father.
25. Sedulur padha Cidra brothers and sisters to each other --- treacherous.
26. Kulawarga padha suspicious --- Family mutual suspicion.
27. Branch Office dadi mungsuh --- Comrade be opposed.
28. Akeh manungsa anaesthetized asale --- Many people forget the origin.
29. Queen ora Ukuman fair --- Penalty King unfair
30. Akeh rank sing lan evil evil odd --- Many officials and odd
31. Akeh sing odd behavior --- Many odd tantrum-character
32. Wong-slick slick padha good kapencil --- People who actually excluded.
33. Akeh wong-slick slick greet gawe padha krasa isin --- Many people actually feel embarrassed lawful employment.
34. The main Luwih ngapusi --- More priority to deceive.
35. Wegah greet gawe --- lazy to work.
36. want luxury urip --- Wanted luxury living.
37. Ngumbar lust anger, nggedhekake duraka --- Removing lust anger, fosters disobedience.
38. Wong Ko thenger-thenger --- People (who) really perplexed.
39. Wong wrong Bungah --- People (who) one of rejoicing.
40. Wong denied slick-hue --- People (who) rejected both denied (pinged-pong).
41. Wong evil munggah rank --- People (are) evil promoted.
42. Wong grand kasinggung --- People (are) noble abused
43. Wong ala kapuja --- People (the) evil praised.
44. Wong wadon ilang kawirangane --- women lost shame.
45. Wong lanang ilang kaprawirane --- Men lost leadership.
46. Akeh wong lanang ora duwe bojo --- Many men do not want a wife.
47. Akeh wong wadon ora setya Semarang bojone --- Many women deny the husband.
48. Akeh padha mother ngedol anake --- Many mothers sell children.
49. Akeh wong wadon ngedol awake --- Many women sell themselves.
50. Akeh wong ijol bebojo --- Many swingers.
51. Wong wadon distance --- Women Riders on horseback.
52. Wong lanang linggih plangki --- Men riding a stretcher.
53. Randha seuang loro --- Two widows price seuang (Red .: seuang = 8.5 cents).
54. prawan Seaga five --- Five virgin five picis.
55. Dhudha limping behavior of nine money --- Duda limping behavior of nine money.
56. Akeh wong ngedol ngelmu --- Many people trade knowledge.
57. Akeh wong admit-I --- Many people claim themselves.
58. White Njabane njerone dhadhu white --- Outside in orange.
59. Ngakune sacred, nanging sucine --- Claiming false saint, but a mere fake.
60. Akeh persuasion akeh Lojo --- Many hokey pokey lot.
61. Akeh udan one prey --- Lots of rain one season.
62. Akeh prawan Tuwa --- Many spinster.
63. Akeh Randha nglairake children --- Many widow gave birth to a baby.
64. Akeh baby born nggoleki bapakne --- Many children are born looking for his father.
65. Religion akeh sing challenging --- Religion objectionable.
66. Prikamanungsan I ilang --- Humanitarian getting lost.
67. Omah hated --- holy shrine is shunned.
68. I adored Omah style --- Home immoral increasingly revered.
69. Wong wadon meretricious ing ngendi-endi --- Women meretricious everywhere.
70. Akeh anathema --- Many curse
71. Akeh pengkianat --- Many traitors.
72. Son of manganese father --- Children eat father.
73. Sedulur manganese sedulur --- you eat you.
74. Branch Office dadi mungsuh --- Comrade be opposed.
75. Teacher disatru --- Master hostility.
76. Stairs padha suspicious --- Neighbors mutual suspicion.
77. Kana-kene my anger --- Anger deepened.
78. Sing weruh kebubuhan --- Anyone know affected by the load.
79. Sing ora weruh ketutuh --- Being who did not know the blame.
80. tomorrow yen ana war --- Later in the event of war.
81. Puzzle saka wetan, kulon, kidul lan lor --- Coming from the east, west, south, and north.
82. Akeh wong my becik miserable --- Many good people more miserable.
83. Wong me happy --- Medium evil evil happier.
84. Wektu iku akeh dhandhang diunekake herons --- When the crow practically stork.
85. Wong wrong dianggep Ko --- Those deemed correct one.
86. favors --- Traitor Traitor favors.
87. I was perfect --- malefactor malefactor more perfect.
88. Wong munggah wicked wicked dub --- promoted.
89. Wong --- kebelenggu innocent innocent man shackled.
90. Wong mulya dikunjara --- noble man jailed.
91. Sing --- The cheaters cheat ferocious power.
92. Sing kojur --- The honest honestly miserable.
93. Traders akeh sing keplarang --- Merchants many drown.
94. Wong play akeh sing ndadi --- Gambler much rampant.
95. Akeh illicit goods --- Many illicit goods.
96. Akeh --- Many illegitimate child illegitimate child.
97. Wong Wong wadon nglamar lanang --- Women applying for men.
98. Wong lanang ngasorake drajate dhewe --- Men despise own degrees.
99. Akeh mlebu leisure goods --- Many items wasted.
100. Akeh wong kaliren lan Wuda --- Many people are hungry and naked.
101. Wong tuku ngglenik sing lunkhead --- Buyer persuade the seller.
102. Sing lunkhead sense okol --- salesman playing finesse.
103. Wong puppet rich food grain diinteri --- Looking for luck like winnowed grain.
104. Sing kliwat --- The agile bundle off.
105. Sing has Sambat --- The already grumbling.
106. Sing gedhe lost --- The great lost.
107. Sing slipped --- The tiny little slip.
108. Sing ketunggak --- The arrogant conceited bumped.
109. Sing wedi die --- The fear of death.
110. Sing mbrekat --- The reckless reckless blessed.
111. Sing toil ketindhih --- The small heart crushed
112. Sing --- The inconsequential nonsense prosperous prosperous
113. Sing-ati ngati ngrintih --- The careful moaning.
114. Sing ngedan keduman --- The play crazy receive part.
115. Sing nggagas --- A healthy sane mind thinks.
116. Wong farmer ditaleni --- People (who) tied farming.
117. Wong Dora ura-ura --- People (who) lie humming.
118. Queen ora netepi promise, musna panguwasane --- King of broken promises, lost his authority.
119. Regent dadi people --- Employee high into people.
120. Wong gentry --- People dadi little small so gentry.
121. Sing Mendele dadi gedhe --- The cheating so great.
122. Sing honest kojur --- The honest wretched.
123. Akeh omah ndhuwur ing distance --- Many home on horseback.
124. Wong Wong manganese --- People eat each other.
125. Children --- Children anaesthetized father forgot father.
126. Wong Tuwa anaesthetized tuwane --- Parents forget their oldness.
127. Traders adol my goods merchants selling --- Selling increasingly in demand.
128. Bandhane I ludhes --- But their possessions increasingly depleted.
129. Akeh wong dead kaliren sisihe ing food --- Many people die hungry in addition to food.
130. Akeh wong nyekel bandha nanging uripe sangsara --- Many affluent but life miserable.
131. Sing could wacky crazy grooming --- What can preen.
132. Sing Bengkong can nggalang Gedhong --- Si bent build mahligai.
133. Wong sane fair lan lan uripe nggrantes kepencil --- The sane and fair life miserable and marginalized.
134. Ana njero --- ing war occurred in the war.
135. Arise Amarga the rank akeh sing padha misunderstood --- Occurs because the magnifying much misunderstanding.
136. I ngambra evil-ambra --- Crime rampant.
137. --- Criminals Criminals I added more and more.
138. Wong slick my miserable --- The Good increasingly miserable.
139. Akeh trailing saka wong death battle --- A lot of people died because of the war.
140. Confusion lan kobongan --- Because confused and fire.
141. Wong my Bener thenger-thenger --- The true more stunned.
142. Wong wrong I Bungah-Bungah --- Si one more cheers.
143. Akeh bandha musna ora known lungane --- Many lost treasure somewhere
144. Akeh rank lan degrees to run away ora known sababe --- Many rank and degree disappeared somehow.
145. Akeh illicit goods, akeh illegitimate child --- Many illicit goods, many illegitimate children.
146. Bejane anaesthetized sing, sing bejane mindful --- Fortunately for the forgotten, fortunately the unconscious.
147. Nanging sauntung-untunge sing anaesthetized --- But how lucky the forgotten.
148. Sort by profit sing --- Still more fortunate alert the alert.
149. I ndadi --- Anger Anger is getting into.
150. Kana-kene me confused --- Here and there, the more confused.
151. Traders akeh alangane --- Traders many obstacles.
152. Akeh challenging labor skipper --- Many workers against employers.
153. Squire dadi bait --- Employer become bait.
154. Sing suwarane exclamation by the influence --- The high voice got influence.
155. Wong diingar clever-clever frantic --- Si pestered.
156. Wong ala diuja --- devil spoiled.
157. Wong understand manganese ati --- People who understand eating liver.
158. Bandha dadi memala --- Hartabenda into disease
159. decoy --- Rank Rank dadi be pemukau.
160. Sing-treatment sawenang rumangsa win --- The arbitrary felt win
161. Sing relented rumangsa kabeh one --- The succumb feel awry.
162. Ana Regent saka wong sing asor imane --- There comes a king low believer.
163. Patihe Judhi head bump --- Maha minister gambling.
164. Wong sing holy atine hated --- The holy be hated.
165. Wong evil sing clever lick my lan degrees --- The wicked and clever lick more power.
166. I ndadra --- Extortion Extortion is rampant.
167. Maling lungguh wetenge mblenduk --- Thieves sit paunchy.
168. pitik angrem saduwure pole --- Chickens hatch on top of a pole.
169. Maling wani challenging sing duwe omah --- Thieves challenge to the owner of the house.
170. Begal on ndhugal --- Thieves increasingly brazen.
171. Robber padha keplok-keplok --- Robbers all cheering.
172. Wong momong mitenah sing cuddly --- The nurse who cared for slander
173. Wong sing nyolong guard guarded --- guard stole guarded.
174. Wong njamin njaluk guaranteed --- The guarantor ask guaranteed.
175. Akeh wong mendem donga --- Many people drunk prayer.
176. Kana-kene superior seizure --- everywhere scramble to win.
177. Anger ngombro-ombro --- Anger worsen.
178. Religion challenged --- Religion challenged.
179. Akeh wong anger --- Many people insolence.
180. Nggedhekake duraka --- Exaggerating disobedience.
181. ukum religion violated --- violated religious law.
182. Prikamanungsan in-iles-iles --- Humanitarian trampled.
183. Kasusilan --- Tata decency left ignored.
184. Akeh wong crazy, evil lan kelangan reason --- A lot of people mad, evil and lost reason.
185. Wong sing little akeh kepencil --- Small people much eliminated.
186. Amarga dadi evil korbane sing jajil --- As it is the curse of the evil sacrifice.
187. sprinkle ana Queen duwe influence duwe lan soldier --- Then came King influential and berprajurit.
188. Lan duwe warrior --- And got soldiers.
189. Negarane ambane saprawolon --- Wide-eighth world country.
Artisan 190. manganese bribe me ndadra --- eaters bribery rampant.
191. Wong ditampa --- The wicked evil accepted.
192. Wong holy saint --- hated hated.
193. Tin Tin considered dianggep silver --- silver.
194. Gold Gold spelled diarani copper --- copper
195. Dandang dikandakake herons --- Crow called stork.
196. Wong sin halcyon halcyon --- Sinners.
197. Wong little disalahake --- plebeian blame.
198. Wong idle kesungkur --- Si unemployed fell.
199. Wong sregep krungkep --- Si diligently fall.
200. Wong nyengit kesengit --- People hated heart rot.
201. Labour mangluh --- Labour cry.
202. Wong sugih krasa wedi --- The rich fear.
203. Wong wedi dadi gentry --- People are afraid so gentry.
204. Senenge wong --- Blessed evil evil.
205. Susahe grassroots --- Bersusahlah small people.
206. Akeh wong defendant dinakwa --- Many people recriminations.
207. I manungsa Tindake kuciwa --- more despicable human antics.
208. Queen Karo Queen on state rembugan sing endi been lan disenengi --- The king conferred the country where the chosen and preferred.
209. Wong curry half --- Java Javanese half.
210. Landa-Chinese curry sejodho --- Dutch-Chinese live a pair.
211. Akeh ijir wong, wong akeh cethil --- Many curmudgeon, many grabber.
212. Sing ora eman keduman --- Si sparing no allotment.
213. Sing keduman ora eman --- The partakers not skimp.
214. Akeh wong mbambung --- Many people acting stupid.
215. Akeh wong unsteady --- Many people giddy.
216. The latch-selote mbesuk waliking Wolak-age puzzle --- Gradually rollovers came later times.
Last Bait forecast Jayabaya
140. polahe wong diinteri grain rich Java \ endi sing sing Ko endi true \ the tapa padha wani ora \ padha wedi ngajarake piwulang adi \ one-one anemani starch \
141. flood ngendi ana-endi \ mountain njeblug anjarwani tan, tan angimpeni \ gehtinge kepathi- starchstarch Semarang pandhita kang by geni \ clan wedi kapiyak wadine greetings sira sing Sayekti \
142. pancen waliking Wolak-era \ amenangi crazy times \ ora ora wacky kumanan \ sing sane padha nggagas \ wong farmer padha ditaleni \ wong dora padha ura-ura \ Beja-bejane sing anaesthetized, \ isih Beja kang eling lan waspadha \
143. queen netepi promise ora \ musna kuwasa lan prabawane \ akeh omah ndhuwur horse \ wong wong manganese padha \ wood gligan lan wesi hiya padha hooked \ deemed rich tasty bread sponge \ yen Wengi padha can turu ora \
144. sing screwy can padha grooming \ sing ambangkang padha can \ nggalang omah gedong magrong-magrong \
145. Wong sangsaya trade goods sold, sold bandhane \ akeh wong dead kaliren gisining comestible \ akeh wong nyekel bendha ning uriping miserable \
146. Wong sane fair lan lan uripe ngenes kepencil \ sing ora abisa thief digethingi \ sing clever duraka dadi kanca \ wong Ko sangsaya thenger-thenger \ wong one sangsaya Bungah \ akeh bandha musna tan abysmally larine \ akeh rank lan degrees padha flee tan abysmally sebabe \
147. sangsaya earth suwe sangsaya shrink \ sakilan earth dipajeki \ wong wadon nganggo panganggo lanang \ iku pertandhane yen will nemoni \ Wolak-walike times \
148. akeh wong promise fulfilled ora \ akeh wong nglanggar sumpahe dhewe \ manungsa padha happy ngalap, \ tan anindakake hukuming God \ nasty stuff pulled up \ sacred object hated \
149. akeh ngutamakake royal wong \ anaesthetized kamanungsane, anaesthetized kebecikane \ lali lali relatives sometimes \ akeh father anaesthetized children \ akeh children mundhung biyung \ sedulur padha Cidra \ family padha suspicious \ kanca dadi mungsuh \ manungsa anaesthetized asale \
150. ukuman fair queen ora \ akeh evil rank ignorant \ padha odd behavior \ sing slick padha kepencil \ akarya slick manungsa isin \ main luwih ngapusi \
151. nglamar women men \ isih baby padha mbayi \ sing padha man ngasorake drajate dhewe \
Bait 152 up to 156 missing
157. Wong puppet pindha food grain den Interi \ bundle kliwat sing, sing kasep slipped \ gedhe crowded sing, sing gawe little keceklik \ sing conceited ketenggak, sing wedi padha dead \ nanging sing nonsense padha prosperous \ sing ngati-ati padha Sambat kepati- starch \
158. China reeds keplantrang dibandhem nggendring \ melu Java sing padha eling \ sing tan eling miling-miling \ mlayu-rich mlayu thieves hit accusations \ eling mulih padha Manjing \ akeh wong injir, akeh centhil \ sing ora eman keduman \ sing keduman ora eman \
159. selet-selete yen mbesuk ngancik tutuping year \ sinungkalan god wolu, ngasta manggalaning queen \ would ana god ngejawantah \ apengawak manungsa \ apasurya padha Bethara Krishna \ awatak Balarama \ agegaman trident Wedha \ jinejer Wolak-waliking times \ wong nyilih mbalekake, \ mbayar debt wong \ debts paid lives lives \ debt wirang nyaur wirang \
160. sadurunge ana tetenger cubeb latitude cross beam \ ngalu-ngalu tumanja ana kidul wetan Ko \ lawase pitung bengi, \ interspace esuk Ko ilange \ solar Bethara njumedhul \ bebarengan sing wis Mungkur prihatine manungsa kelantur-lantur \ iku tandane Bethara son Indra wus Katon \ ing tumeka arcapada ambebantu wong Java \
161. dunungane ana Sikil redi Lawu sisih wetan \ wetane river banyu \ andhedukuh pindha Raden Ghatotkacha \ ARuPA pagupon virgin tundha three \ rich manungsa angleledha \
162. akeh dicakot lemut wong dead \ akeh wong dicakot ants disappear \ akeh without such a strange swara \ bala prewangan spirits padha line, on line benere seized \ tan naked eye, tan ARuPA \ sing madhegani putrane Bethara Indra \ agegaman trident Wedha \ momongane padha dadi nayaka war \ perange without reinforcements \ magic mandraguna without aji-aji
163. apeparap pangeraning prang \ tan pokro anggoning nyandhang \ ning yes could nyembadani complicated rentenging sakpirang wong-blonde \ sing padha groveling RecA ndhaplang, \ China mindful seh seh kalih pinaringan word hiya gidrang-gidrang \
164. Kinasih son swargi kang jumeneng mountain ing Lawu \ hiya yayi Bethara mukti, krisna hiya, hiya herumukti \ qualified sakabehing behavior \ nugel of Java date of pindho \ ngerahake jin devil \ kumara prewangan, the down command lelembut Saeko proyo \ kinen ambantu manungso Java padha asesanti trident Vedas \ landhepe holy triniji \ right, jejeg, honest \ kadherekake Sabdopalon lan Noyogenggong \
165. Sura pendhak nguntapa kumara \ kang wus Katon penetrate dosane \ kadhepake ngarsaning the power \ isih east kaceluk wong Tuwa \ paringane Ghatotkacha sayuta \
166. idune idu geni \ sabdane malati \ sing mbregendhul must die \ ora Tuwo, eNom padha dene baby \ wong ora ndayani nyuwun what mesthi bae sufficiency \ ora gentalan word line dina, \ Beja-bejane sing sure lan Tuhu setya sabdanira \ tan karsa sinuyudan wong sacks of Java \ nanging inung picky hello \
167. clairvoyant pindha god \ can nyumurupi lahire mbahira, buyutira, canggahira \ pindha born with Sadina \ ora can be maca diapusi clan ati \ wasis, wegig, clairvoyant, \ understand sakdurunge winarah \ can're watching grandma-mbahira \ angawuningani jantraning days of Java \ garise understand siji-sijining people \ Tan kewran sasuruping times \
168. first den upadinen sinatriya iku \ wus abapa tan, tan aunt, lola \ awus aputus Vedas Java \ mung angandelake trident \ landheping trident shoots \ gegawe starch debt utawa lives \ sing middle envious gawe kapitunaning liyan \ sing edges starting colong njupuk Winanda \
169. envious den wenehi \ ati malati can kesiku \ senenge anggodha anjejaluk way nistha \ ngertiyo yen iku try \ wrote kaino \ ana Beja-bejane sing den pundhuti \ ateges jantrane kaemong sira sebrayat \
170. ing ngarsa Begawan \ dudu pandhita sinebut pandhita \ dudu sinebut god god \ rich dene manungsa \ dudu seje kajawaake power canteen jlentreh \ wicket-wicket light ndrandhang \
171. wrote gumun, wrote ngungun \ hiya iku putrane Bethara Indra \ kang Pambayun isih tour kuwasa nundhung devil \ tumurune Tirta Brajamusti rich severance ngundhuh \ hiya siji iki kang can Paring pituduh \ Semarang jarwane kalaningsun term \ tan contact den apusi \ clan can Manjing jroning ati \ ana manungso kaiden met \ uga ana creature sing durung mangsane \ aja aja envious gela \ iku dudu wektunira \ nganggo queen symbol without makutha \ originally sing won enggala den leluri \ wrote partnership kendhata times madhepa den marikelu \ Beja-bejane children putu \
172. iki role in mun sing eling lan alert \ ing times kalabendu Java \ wrote nglarang palace ngleluri wong apengawak god \ cures ludhes saka Braja incarnate kumara \-aja aja kleru pandhita samusana \ larinen pandhita asenjata trident Wedha \ iku hiya pinaringaning god \
173. nglurug without reinforcements \ yen win tan ngasorake liyan \ the subjects padha like-like \ clan adiling prince wus puzzle \ ratune groveling subjects \ angagem trident Wedha \ the pandhita hiya padha revere \ hiya iku momongane foot Sabdopalon \ sing wis shootout wirang nanging kondhang \ genaha kacetha Kanthi njingglang \ nora ana wong ngresula less \ hiya iku tandane kalabendu wis Minger \ centi Wektu jejering kalamukti \ Andayani indering universe \ padha Asung bhekti \
1. ^ Alan H. Feinstein.1994. Faculty of Letters, University of Indonesia. Jakarta: Indonesian Torch Foundation, p. 276-280.
184. Akeh wong crazy, evil lan kelangan reason --- A lot of people mad, evil and lost reason.
185. Wong sing little akeh kepencil --- Small people much eliminated.
186. Amarga dadi evil korbane sing jajil --- As it is the curse of the evil sacrifice.
187. sprinkle ana Queen duwe influence duwe lan soldier --- Then came King influential and berprajurit.
188. Lan duwe warrior --- And got soldiers.
189. Negarane ambane saprawolon --- Wide-eighth world country.
Artisan 190. manganese bribe me ndadra --- eaters bribery rampant.
191. Wong ditampa --- The wicked evil accepted.
192. Wong holy saint --- hated hated.
193. Tin Tin considered dianggep silver --- silver.
194. Gold Gold spelled diarani copper --- copper
195. Dandang dikandakake herons --- Crow called stork.
196. Wong sin halcyon halcyon --- Sinners.
197. Wong little disalahake --- plebeian blame.
198. Wong idle kesungkur --- Si unemployed fell.
199. Wong sregep krungkep --- Si diligently fall.
200. Wong nyengit kesengit --- People hated heart rot.
201. Labour mangluh --- Labour cry.
202. Wong sugih krasa wedi --- The rich fear.
203. Wong wedi dadi gentry --- People are afraid so gentry.
204. Senenge wong --- Blessed evil evil.
205. Susahe grassroots --- Bersusahlah small people.
206. Akeh wong defendant dinakwa --- Many people recriminations.
207. I manungsa Tindake kuciwa --- more despicable human antics.
208. Queen Karo Queen on state rembugan sing endi been lan disenengi --- The king conferred the country where the chosen and preferred.
209. Wong curry half --- Java Javanese half.
210. Landa-Chinese curry sejodho --- Dutch-Chinese live a pair.
211. Akeh ijir wong, wong akeh cethil --- Many curmudgeon, many grabber.
212. Sing ora eman keduman --- Si sparing no allotment.
213. Sing keduman ora eman --- The partakers not skimp.
214. Akeh wong mbambung --- Many people acting stupid.
215. Akeh wong unsteady --- Many people giddy.
216. The latch-selote mbesuk waliking Wolak-age puzzle --- Gradually rollovers came later times.
Last Bait forecast Jayabaya
140. polahe wong diinteri grain rich Java \ endi sing sing Ko endi true \ the tapa padha wani ora \ padha wedi ngajarake piwulang adi \ one-one anemani starch \
141. flood ngendi ana-endi \ mountain njeblug anjarwani tan, tan angimpeni \ gehtinge kepathi- starchstarch Semarang pandhita kang by geni \ clan wedi kapiyak wadine greetings sira sing Sayekti \
142. pancen waliking Wolak-era \ amenangi crazy times \ ora ora wacky kumanan \ sing sane padha nggagas \ wong farmer padha ditaleni \ wong dora padha ura-ura \ Beja-bejane sing anaesthetized, \ isih Beja kang eling lan waspadha \
143. queen netepi promise ora \ musna kuwasa lan prabawane \ akeh omah ndhuwur horse \ wong wong manganese padha \ wood gligan lan wesi hiya padha hooked \ deemed rich tasty bread sponge \ yen Wengi padha can turu ora \
144. sing screwy can padha grooming \ sing ambangkang padha can \ nggalang omah gedong magrong-magrong \
145. Wong sangsaya trade goods sold, sold bandhane \ akeh wong dead kaliren gisining comestible \ akeh wong nyekel bendha ning uriping miserable \
146. Wong sane fair lan lan uripe ngenes kepencil \ sing ora abisa thief digethingi \ sing clever duraka dadi kanca \ wong Ko sangsaya thenger-thenger \ wong one sangsaya Bungah \ akeh bandha musna tan abysmally larine \ akeh rank lan degrees padha flee tan abysmally sebabe \
147. sangsaya earth suwe sangsaya shrink \ sakilan earth dipajeki \ wong wadon nganggo panganggo lanang \ iku pertandhane yen will nemoni \ Wolak-walike times \
148. akeh wong promise fulfilled ora \ akeh wong nglanggar sumpahe dhewe \ manungsa padha happy ngalap, \ tan anindakake hukuming God \ nasty stuff pulled up \ sacred object hated \
149. akeh ngutamakake royal wong \ anaesthetized kamanungsane, anaesthetized kebecikane \ lali lali relatives sometimes \ akeh father anaesthetized children \ akeh children mundhung biyung \ sedulur padha Cidra \ family padha suspicious \ kanca dadi mungsuh \ manungsa anaesthetized asale \
150. ukuman fair queen ora \ akeh evil rank ignorant \ padha odd behavior \ sing slick padha kepencil \ akarya slick manungsa isin \ main luwih ngapusi \
151. nglamar women men \ isih baby padha mbayi \ sing padha man ngasorake drajate dhewe \
Bait 152 up to 156 missing
157. Wong puppet pindha food grain den Interi \ bundle kliwat sing, sing kasep slipped \ gedhe crowded sing, sing gawe little keceklik \ sing conceited ketenggak, sing wedi padha dead \ nanging sing nonsense padha prosperous \ sing ngati-ati padha Sambat kepati- starch \
158. China reeds keplantrang dibandhem nggendring \ melu Java sing padha eling \ sing tan eling miling-miling \ mlayu-rich mlayu thieves hit accusations \ eling mulih padha Manjing \ akeh wong injir, akeh centhil \ sing ora eman keduman \ sing keduman ora eman \
159. selet-selete yen mbesuk ngancik tutuping year \ sinungkalan god wolu, ngasta manggalaning queen \ would ana god ngejawantah \ apengawak manungsa \ apasurya padha Bethara Krishna \ awatak Balarama \ agegaman trident Wedha \ jinejer Wolak-waliking times \ wong nyilih mbalekake, \ mbayar debt wong \ debts paid lives lives \ debt wirang nyaur wirang \
160. sadurunge ana tetenger cubeb latitude cross beam \ ngalu-ngalu tumanja ana kidul wetan Ko \ lawase pitung bengi, \ interspace esuk Ko ilange \ solar Bethara njumedhul \ bebarengan sing wis Mungkur prihatine manungsa kelantur-lantur \ iku tandane Bethara son Indra wus Katon \ ing tumeka arcapada ambebantu wong Java \
161. dunungane ana Sikil redi Lawu sisih wetan \ wetane river banyu \ andhedukuh pindha Raden Ghatotkacha \ ARuPA pagupon virgin tundha three \ rich manungsa angleledha \
162. akeh dicakot lemut wong dead \ akeh wong dicakot ants disappear \ akeh without such a strange swara \ bala prewangan spirits padha line, on line benere seized \ tan naked eye, tan ARuPA \ sing madhegani putrane Bethara Indra \ agegaman trident Wedha \ momongane padha dadi nayaka war \ perange without reinforcements \ magic mandraguna without aji-aji
163. apeparap pangeraning prang \ tan pokro anggoning nyandhang \ ning yes could nyembadani complicated rentenging sakpirang wong-blonde \ sing padha groveling RecA ndhaplang, \ China mindful seh seh kalih pinaringan word hiya gidrang-gidrang \
164. Kinasih son swargi kang jumeneng mountain ing Lawu \ hiya yayi Bethara mukti, krisna hiya, hiya herumukti \ qualified sakabehing behavior \ nugel of Java date of pindho \ ngerahake jin devil \ kumara prewangan, the down command lelembut Saeko proyo \ kinen ambantu manungso Java padha asesanti trident Vedas \ landhepe holy triniji \ right, jejeg, honest \ kadherekake Sabdopalon lan Noyogenggong \
165. Sura pendhak nguntapa kumara \ kang wus Katon penetrate dosane \ kadhepake ngarsaning the power \ isih east kaceluk wong Tuwa \ paringane Ghatotkacha sayuta \
166. idune idu geni \ sabdane malati \ sing mbregendhul must die \ ora Tuwo, eNom padha dene baby \ wong ora ndayani nyuwun what mesthi bae sufficiency \ ora gentalan word line dina, \ Beja-bejane sing sure lan Tuhu setya sabdanira \ tan karsa sinuyudan wong sacks of Java \ nanging inung picky hello \
167. clairvoyant pindha god \ can nyumurupi lahire mbahira, buyutira, canggahira \ pindha born with Sadina \ ora can be maca diapusi clan ati \ wasis, wegig, clairvoyant, \ understand sakdurunge winarah \ can're watching grandma-mbahira \ angawuningani jantraning days of Java \ garise understand siji-sijining people \ Tan kewran sasuruping times \
168. first den upadinen sinatriya iku \ wus abapa tan, tan aunt, lola \ awus aputus Vedas Java \ mung angandelake trident \ landheping trident shoots \ gegawe starch debt utawa lives \ sing middle envious gawe kapitunaning liyan \ sing edges starting colong njupuk Winanda \
169. envious den wenehi \ ati malati can kesiku \ senenge anggodha anjejaluk way nistha \ ngertiyo yen iku try \ wrote kaino \ ana Beja-bejane sing den pundhuti \ ateges jantrane kaemong sira sebrayat \
170. ing ngarsa Begawan \ dudu pandhita sinebut pandhita \ dudu sinebut god god \ rich dene manungsa \ dudu seje kajawaake power canteen jlentreh \ wicket-wicket light ndrandhang \
171. wrote gumun, wrote ngungun \ hiya iku putrane Bethara Indra \ kang Pambayun isih tour kuwasa nundhung devil \ tumurune Tirta Brajamusti rich severance ngundhuh \ hiya siji iki kang can Paring pituduh \ Semarang jarwane kalaningsun term \ tan contact den apusi \ clan can Manjing jroning ati \ ana manungso kaiden met \ uga ana creature sing durung mangsane \ aja aja envious gela \ iku dudu wektunira \ nganggo queen symbol without makutha \ originally sing won enggala den leluri \ wrote partnership kendhata times madhepa den marikelu \ Beja-bejane children putu \
172. iki role in mun sing eling lan alert \ ing times kalabendu Java \ wrote nglarang palace ngleluri wong apengawak god \ cures ludhes saka Braja incarnate kumara \-aja aja kleru pandhita samusana \ larinen pandhita asenjata trident Wedha \ iku hiya pinaringaning god \
173. nglurug without reinforcements \ yen win tan ngasorake liyan \ the subjects padha like-like \ clan adiling prince wus puzzle \ ratune groveling subjects \ angagem trident Wedha \ the pandhita hiya padha revere \ hiya iku momongane foot Sabdopalon \ sing wis shootout wirang nanging kondhang \ genaha kacetha Kanthi njingglang \ nora ana wong ngresula less \ hiya iku tandane kalabendu wis Minger \ centi Wektu jejering kalamukti \ Andayani indering universe \ padha Asung bhekti \
1. ^ Alan H. Feinstein.1994. Faculty of Letters, University of Indonesia. Jakarta: Indonesian Torch Foundation, p. 276-280.
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