Nagarakretagama and Song Harsawijaya mention Jayakatwang is a descendant
of the last king Kertajaya Kadiri. Narrated in 1222 Ken Arok beat
Kertajaya. Since then Kadiri be subordinate Singhasari where as regent
is Jayasabha Kertajaya son. In 1258 Jayasabha
Sastrajaya replaced his son. Sastrajaya married to the sister of Wisnuwardhana, because the inscription At Jayakatwang Malurung called niece Seminingrat (another name Wisnuwardhana) .In 1271 Sastrajaya replaced his son, namely Jayakatwang.
In inscription At Malurung, Maharaja Sri Jayakatwang Tumapel Seminingrat
calls as well nephew-in-law. As son as Sri Jayakatwang berpermaisuri
Seminingrat daughter named Nararya Turukbali, Rajamuda Rings since
1255M. As the nephew because the mother is the sister of Sri Jayakatwang
Assertiveness Seminingrat menyebutan nephew to Jayakatwang the Tablets
At Malurung tend mean that Jayakatwang biological son of the younger
brother of women Seminingrat or Jayakatwang biological mother is the
younger brother Seminingrat or the biological daughter Anusapati so it
is worth mentioning explicitly the inscription At Malurung. Because it
is the son of his younger brother, then later Seminingrat not hesitate
to match Jayakatwang with his youngest daughter Nararya Turukbali,
yuwaraja Rings.
Once again mother Jayakatwang is the younger brother of Maharaja
Seminingrat. As explained, the younger brother is a Goddess Seruni
Seminingrat. Known from inscriptions Kudadu Jayakatwang have a son named
Ardharaja, which became law Kertanagara.
Thus, the relationship between Jayakatwang with Kertanagara is a cousin, once-in-law, as well as in law.
It is quite natural when a king tie to match families with offspring with siblings own offspring. This was done so that the royal bloodline did not go anywhere, still remains in the family or at least a king lineage remains intact drops to the bottom.
It also later performed when the throne of Maharaja Seminingrat Tumapel
then berbesanan with with her younger brother. The wedding occurred
Anusapati fellow grandchildren. Seminingrat daughter named Nararya
Turukbali married with Jayakatwang, son Seminingrat women younger
brother. Nararya Jayakatwang Turukbali and cousins as well.
Marriage as it had also done Erland who married his cousin brother or
with Goddess Lakshmi, the second daughter Dharmawangsa, king Medang
Watan. Marriage between cousins is also done Seminingrat own.
Seminingrat married a cousin named Waning Hyun, the eldest daughter
Mahisa Wonga Teleng.
Wonga Mahisa Teleng is Seminingrat uncle. Can be said to follow the
steps taken Seminingrat father the Anusapati that berbesanan with his
half sister Mahisa Wonga Teleng. If his father berbesanan the same
mother different father's younger cousin, Seminingrat berbesanan with
his own younger brother, daughter Nararya Turukbali match with Sri
Jayakatwang nephew.
But somehow it all marriages between brothers aim to maintain the authenticity of the royal family blood.
Very appropriate as well as the royal charter issued pemganugerahan
Malurung to the village At Pranaraja, Sri Maharaja Seminingrat mention
explicitly that Sri Jayakatwang is at once his nephew-in-law.
Reaffirming that Nararya Turukbali and Sri Jayakatwang is equally
grandson of the Anusapati, Seminingrat father, who rightly got a good
position in the royal family.
State-Led Jayakatwang
Nagarakretagama, Pararaton, Harsawijaya Song and Song Flag Wijayakrama
call Jayakatwang is subordinate king in Kadiri who rebelled against
Kertanagara in Singhasari.
Manuscripts and inscriptions Penanggungan Kudadu inscription mentions
Jayakatwang rebelled when they served as regent Rings. After Singhasari
collapse, and then he became king in Kadiri.
Had the argument that the Rings is another name of Kadiri. But the idea
was aborted by the manuscript inscription Malurung Mula (1255). In the
inscription stated emphatically that the Rings and Kadiri are two
different areas.
The inscription mentions that when it ruled Kadiri Kertanagara as
yuwaraja (viceroy), while Rings governed by Turukbali and Jayakatwang.
Anyway Kadiri locations are in Kediri, whereas Rings in the area of Madison. Both cities are adrift within tens of kilometers.
rebellion Jayakatwang
Pararaton and Song Harsawijaya tell Jayakatwang grudge because of his ancestry (Kertajaya) defeated Ken Arok founder Singhasari.
One day he received a visit from Aria Wiraraja Wirondaya son who
delivered a letter from his father, with suggestions that Jayakatwang
soon rebelled because it Singhasari currently empty, abandoned most of
its troops out of Java. The Aria Wiraraja is a former official who was
transferred to Sumenep Singhasari being perceived as political opponents
Aria Wiraraja or Many Wide is the character Schemer Raden Wijaya in Daha
on 1293M conquest business and the establishment of the kingdom of
Majapahit. Flag Song and Song Harsawijaya Wijayakrama tells Arya
Wiraraja originally served as rakryan demung during the reign
Kertanagara in Singhasari. But because of his foreign policy against the
king, he was transferred as regent Sumenep. Wiraraja feel hurt.
He knew that the regent Jayakatwang Rings intend to rebel, to avenge the
defeat of his ancestors, the last king Kertajaya Kadiri who ousted
founder Ken Arok Tumapel kingdom. Wiraraja also sent a letter through
his son Wirondaya, which contains advice that Jayakatwang immediately
carry out his intention, because it was largely Singhasari soldiers were
outside Java.
Jayakatwang implement Wiraraja Aria advice. He sent a small force led
by Jaran Goyang Singhasari invaded from the north or from the direction
of Hering. So through the valley east of the mountain STEPS. Jaran
forces Guyang boisterous rampant galloping along the way to to the
capital Singasari. Of course, the people along the journey shaking
topsy-turvy, flee and seek refuge in part to Singasari simultaneously
convey a message to the palace.
Hearing the news of the raid, Sri Kertanagara ordered Nararya
Sanggramawijaya and Ardharaja led the army to block the rate of enemy
troops from the north. Nararya Sanggramawijaya accompanied the leading
knights Tumapel like Arya dictatorial, Many Kapok, Ranggalawe, Sword,
Sora, Dangdi, Ki Ageng Elephant Pagon, and three sons namely Arya
Wiraraja Nambi, Peteng, and Wirot. All the best warriors against Daha
forces in the north simultaneously berserk and Guyang Jaran troops were
But in reality this is only a small force so that the defense of
provocation is empty Singhasari city. Unexpectedly move large forces of
Daha who came from the banks of the river to the area Lawor Laksa,
quietly without causing noise, without raising the banner. Sedatangnya
in direct Sidhabuwana Singasari galloping towards the city. That being a
leader is Patih Daha Kebo Mundarang, Pudot, and Bawong.
Ardharaja Jayakatwang son, of course, in the difficult position of
having to face the forces of his own father. When knowing defeat
Singhasari, Ardaraja turned to leave troops Raden Wijaya, joins forces
with Daha or Rings.
At that time Sri Kertanagara being held binge drinking as one of
religious rituals. By dashing out to face the enemy attack. Tumapel
emperor was eventually fall in Hall Manguntur as knights together MPU
Raganata, Patih Kebo Anengah, Panji Angragani, and Hero Member
Kotaraja Singasari fall. Singhasari destruction events occurred in
1292.Tumapel fully occupied by Jayakatwang. Jayakatwang then became
king, with Daha as the central government.
While Nararya Sanggramawijaya Eggplant fled to the north Singhasari.
Because pursued the enemy group chose to go east. With the help of the
village chief Kudadu, Nararya Sanggramawijaya cross the Madura Strait
asked Arya protection Wiraraja Songeneb ruler.
defeat Jayakatwang
Arya Wiraraja just a personal grudge on Kertanegara, related to the
attitude of the king, among others, combine the three religions, namely
Shiva Buda and Java into religion Shiva Boja. Arya Wiraraja embraced
Shiva as Raden Wijaya.
While the followers of Vishnu as Jayakatwang
While the followers of Vishnu as Jayakatwang
Panjalu ancestry, religion heritage grants. After a personal grudge on
Kertanegara unrequited, Arya Wiraraja Jayakatwang intend to get rid of
the influence that embraces Vishnu, Arya Wiraraja tend to favor Raden
Wijaya that embraces Shiva.
So after receiving the arrival of Nararya Sanggramawijaya, Arya Wiraraja
turnabout helps son Dyah Ox-Tal was retake the throne in-law heritage.
Nararya Sanggramawijaya promise if it is defeated Jayakatwang, the territory will be divided by two for himself and Wiraraja.
The first maneuver was executed. The first step Arya Wiraraja deliver
the news to Jayakatwang that Nararya Sanggramawijaya and all his
followers are ready to give up. Jayakatwang who have rebuilt their
ancestral land, the Kingdom Panjalu Daha accept it with pleasure.
Sri Jayakatwang immediately sent a messenger to pick up the group at the port Nararya Sanggramawijaya Jungbiru.
The next tactic, Nararya Sanggramawijaya ask Pull Forest in east Kadiri
to be built as a hunting tourist area. Wijaya claimed to want to live
Jayakatwang who likes to hunt immediately grant it without suspicion.
Arya Wiraraja also send people Songeneb help Wijaya open forest which is
then named Majapahit.
Until then, based on the record of the Yuan Dynasty, the Mongol army
1293M 20,000 men led by Ike Mese landed in Java intended to punish
Kertanagara because the 1289M has hurt the messenger sent
Kublai Khan. Raden Wijaya take advantage of the arrival of the Mongols to destroy Jayakatwang.
Kublai Khan. Raden Wijaya take advantage of the arrival of the Mongols to destroy Jayakatwang.
He then invited Ike Mese to majapahit village and tell if he was the
heir of King Kertanagara deceased. Nararya Sanggramawijaya ask for help
the Mongols to regain power from the hands Jayakatwang Java. After that
just willing states subject to the rule of Kublai Khan.
Hearing fellowship Wijaya and Ike Mese, Sri Jayakatwang Kadiri
immediately sent troops to destroy them. But it is precisely the troops
defeated the Mongols.
Furthermore, the combined forces of Majapahit and the Madurese Mongols
and move to attack Daha. News China says war occurred on March 20, 1293.
Combined Mongols and Majapahit troops to storm the town Daha since
morning. Approximately 5,000 people became victims Daha. Daha city
really Dahanapura, city fire. Daha lake of fire. Big army Mongols
membungihangus Jayakatwang palace.
Finally, in the afternoon, Jayakatwang give up and taken prisoner on
board the Mongols. Narrated then replace the Mongol forces attacked back
by the Majapahit expelled from the land of Java. Before leaving Java,
the Mongols had executed Jayakatwang and Ardharaja aboard them.
According Pararaton and Song Harsawijaya, Jayakatwang died in prison
Hujung Galuh after completing a literary work entitled The Song Wukir
After Jayakatwang destroyed, Nararya Sanggramawijaya ask permission
back to the Majapahit, preparing to hand himself. Ike Mese allow it
without suspicion. Arriving in Majapahit, Wijaya kill the Mongol
soldiers who escorted him.
He then led a counterattack to Daha where partying Mongol troops
victory. Sortie was made Ike Mese lost many soldiers and forced to
withdraw its troops to leave Java.
Who Sri Jayakatwang?
Song written Harsawijaya jaya katong altered angadĕg queen ring wus
nagarėng daha (Berg, 1931). Pararaton also called Jayakatyəng with "Aji
Katong" or "sirāji Jaya Katong", as the king of Daha. Pararaton author
mentions that Jayakatyeng is the king of Daha, "Hana ta pasawalanira
opponent siraji Jayakatong queen ring daha" means There is dispute with
Djayakatong king, the king of Daha "(Padmapuspita, 1966).
Kakawin Nagarakrtagama (XLIV: 1) provide information about the collapse
of the Empire during the reign of Sri Tumapel Kertanagara:
When CRI narendra Kŗtānagara mulih Budda Bhuana ring,
Trasang rat / Dukha harohara khadi maluya rehnyan Kaliyuga,
Wwaten / same-(111B) ntaraja prakacita Jayakatyəng kuhaka name,
Nkaneng Bhumi khadiryyapati sumiliha wicesamrih khirakhira.
(Pigeaud, 1960).
Indonesian translation:
When CRI Sire Kŗtānagara return to Budhabuana
Evenly fear, grief, riot, like age of Kali back
King subordinate named Jayakatyəng, too evil character
Treason, because they want power in the region of Kadiri.
(Muljana, 2009).
While Nagarakrtagama (XLIV: 2) states that Jayakatyəng the last king of Kadiri.
Nguni lunghā sap Sri kŗtājaya rikanang śākābddi Manusa,
Hajna Sri parwwatā-dhindra suta glorious nganggantyana siwin Sabha,
Ring śākāşţēkanā glorious literature muwah umunggwing kadhiri Bhumi,
Ring Saka triņisan Sangkara katwang Natha wekasan glorious pilgrimage.
(Riana, 2009).
Indonesian translation:
When the death of CRI Kertajaya occurred in 1144 saka,
On the orders of the son of CRI Parwata Dindra (CRI Ranggah Rajasa) then Jayasabha replace the throne,
In 1180 saka Sastrajaya reigns Bhumi Kadiri,
In 1193 saka Jayakatyəng last king (Nb.Munib, 2010).
Pararaton, Nagarakrtagama, and Song Harsawijaya just mention that
Jayakatyəng is the king of Kadiri. However, Inscription Kudadu (1216
Çaka) and Inscription At Malurung (Çaka 1177) mentions that he is the
king of country of residence Glang-Glang.
Inscription Kudadu (1216 Saka) Plate III verso:
"Tinekān de Cri jayakatyěng sakeng bracelets" (Yamin, 1962)
This means that:
arrival (attacked) Sri Jayakatyeng of Glang-Glang "(nb.Munib, 2011).
Inscription Kudadu (1216 Saka) verso Plate III - IV recto:
Plate III verso:
mantu Parnach the arddharaja mwang Maharaja de Cri Cri Kŗtānagara kuněng the arddharaja darling
Plate IV recto:
ksāt son de Cri jayakatyěng, "(Yamin, 1962)
This means that:
Plate III verso:
"The Ardharaja with CRI Maharaja (nararyya sangramawijaya) was the son of CRI Kŗtānagara. Besides the Ardharaja her
Plate IV recto:
rupakan son Jayakatyěng cri ...... "(nb.Munib, 2011)
Inscription At Malurung (1177 Çaka) on plate VII recto
4-7 line stated as follows:
Plate VII recto lines 4-7:
4 ........ Sira Turukbali. daughter
5 narāryya sminiŋrāt sap. Pinaka parameśwari Sri jayakatyəŋ sap. Sakşat kapwanakanira narāryya sminiŋrāt
6 sira pinratişţa ńkāneŋ manikanakasińhāsana. So Nagare Glan Glan. Sinewita dai Nikan Sakala Bhumi wurawā-
7 n ........ (Boechari, 1985/1986).
Of some of the above data it can be concluded that, Sri Jayakatwang is a
nephew-in-law once nararyya Sminingrat (Ranggawuni / Wisnuwardhana).
Wife empress named turuk Bali, so Krtanagara is the brother-in-law,
cousins, once besan Sri Jayakatwang. Jayakatwang son named Ardharaja,
became one of the law of Sri Krtanagara.
Inscription At Malurung provide information Sri Jayakatwang power is as
one of the king's vassal kingdom Tumapel. He ruled in nagara Glang-Glang
I bhumi Wurawan.
But according Nagarakrtagama, that in the year 1193 Saka (1271 AD) he
climbed the throne in bhumi Kadiri. As informed Inscription Kudadu, that
the kingdom of Sri Jayakatwang name kept the name nagara initially, ie
nagara Glang-Glang, although in 1193 Saka has been moved to the country
of residence of Daha i bhumi Kadiri.
Kakawin Nagarakrtagama (XLIV: 1) and Inscription Kudadu (1216 Saka)
mentions that Jayakatwang greatest desire, not to master nagara Tumapel,
but the main motivation is the mastery of bhumi Kadhiri.
Sorry writing many are truncated by the points for writing on is the
reading of the inscription inscription which was partially destroyed.
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