Minggu, 23 Agustus 2015

History of Ancient Human In Indonesia

The history of early human discovered the oldest in Indonesia  1890 by archaeologists from the Dutch Eugene Dubois (Dubois) in the valley river village precisely solo Sandpipers ngawi eastern Java, and this discovery the call "Pithecanthropus Erectus" means "man who walks upright ape" and in this area too much on fossil found the bones no longer intact as the femur, skull, and a few teeth.

Early humans found in Indonesia from various eras, the archaeologists give the characteristic feature of each invention, there are several types of early humans were found in Indonesia, Pithecanthropus Erectus, Meganthropus Paleojavanicus, homo mojokertensis, soloensis homo, homo sapiens and the latest wajakensis florensiensis. In daily life of ancient human kind Pithecanthropus


characteristic feature of Pithecanthropus Erectus:
  • has a sturdy body
  • strong masticatory apparatus
  • height 165-175 cm
  • weight - + 100 kg
  • food is still rough with little processing
  • life between 1 to 0.1 million years ago.

Homo is good at making a simple tool of rocks:

  • ax perimbas (chopper)

  • Penetak ax (chopping tool)

  • Tools Scrapers (flake)

The lives of these early humans is very dependent on natural resources
available, they collect food from hunting and life shifts (nomads) always follow the prey animal.

Pithecanthropus Erectus archaeologist Eugene Dubois discovery of this very shocking the world, and the discovery is made curious scientists else and they came to do research Sandpipers one "researcher salenka" and, they have found some fossils of plants and animals in the fossil river valley river solo.

The research team headed by GHR Von Koenigswald in 1936 doing research in the area of Sangiran, Sragen, Central Java, Indonesia. and find a hominid fossils different types of those found in the area Edubois ngawi Sandpipers, and early humans is called the Meganthropus Paleojavanicus (large-bodied man from the island of Java, Indonesia) are estimated to live in 2 million years ago.

The characteristics Meganthropus Paleojavanicus are:

  • Has a strong jaw bone

  • Do not have a chin

  • Shows human characteristics but closer to apes

  • Big and burly

which then included in the Homo Soloensis or Man From Solo. Alleged to be older than the fossil Pithecanthropus Erectus.

And the most recent discovery, in 2003 found again Ancient Human Fossils in Flores. The discovery in cooperation Archaeologists Archaeologists Indonesia and Australia is named Homo floresiensis, or Man of Flores.

From here still have a long way to the unity of the 32 profinsi name into Indonesian the archipelago.

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