The area was also drained many rivers, including the River Bogowonto, Progo, Elo, and the largest is the Solo River.
The area is a closed area, but fertile. It facilitates the increase of soil fertility resident, so the role and power of the people in that area is quite large and is a major force for the country.
South "Bhumi Mataram is the Ocean Indonesia", but it is difficult to navigable sea. While shipping and trade is mostly done through the north coast "Java", which is a bit far from the Bhumi Mataram. Therefore, the main livelihood of the people is agriculture, while the trade sector received less attention.
Sanjaya dynasty
1. Source History
Evidence establishment Sanjaya Dynasty can be seen through the inscription Canggal (Kedu area) in 732 AD, Frasasti Balitung, Book story Parahyangan.
Inscription Canggal (732 M) The inscription was made during the reign of King Sanjaya associated with establishing the phallus which is a manifestation of Lord Shiva. This suggests that their religion is Hinduism.
Inscription Balitung (907) This inscription is a copper inscription issued by "King Diah Balitung". Diah Balitung this inscription issued in connection with a gift of land to five people patihnya in Mantyasih, because five patihnya it has made a large contribution to the kingdom.
In the inscription mentioned the name of the king who ruled the kingdom of Mataram from Sanjaya dynasty.
Book story Parahyangan It tells about matters of kings Sanjaya.
2. Political Life
Mataram kingdom ruled by kings descended from Sanjaya Dynasty. Kings who ever contributed in Mataram Kingdom include:
"Rakai Mataram Queen Sanjaya" According Canggal Inscription (732 AD), King Sanjaya is the founder of the Mataram kingdom of the Sanjaya Dynasty. Sanjaya king ruled with very fairly and wisely so. people guaranteed safe and secure;
In the religious problem, King Sanjaya bring pastors wing Hindu Shiva.
Of the priests, kings can mernper-in Hindu Shiva. Adoration of the highest in the kingdom of Mataram was given to Lord Shiva who is regarded as the supreme god. To worship the gods, founded temples.
King Sanjaya died about the middle of the 8th century AD He was replaced by Panangkaran. Successive replacement Panangkaran is Samaragrawira and Rakai Garung. The third king is not so clearly known forms of government, due to lack of evidence to inform their doings.
Sri Maharaja Rakai Pikatan After death, Rakai Pikatan ascended the throne. As king, he aspires to dominate the entire region of Central Java. To implement ideals that / Rakai Pikatan have to deal with the Royal dynasty which at the time was ruled by King Balaputra dewa.
War may not be executed, because the power of the kingdom of Mataram dynasty preponderate. Therefore, the path is proposed Rakai Pikatan daughter of the Royal dynasty named Pramodhawardani. Supposedly Pramodhawardani dynasty ruled over the kingdom, but he gave way to Balaputra Gods.
To achieve its goals, Rakai Pikatan Pramodhawardani urged to want to pull back from Balaputra Gods throne, so the civil war erupted. In the war. King Balaputra dewa can be defeated and fled to the kingdom of Srivijaya.
Sri Maharaja Rakai Kayuwangi In bringing together government, Rakai Kayuwangi assisted by an Advisory Board concurrently executive staff consisting of five governor and chaired by a mahapatih.
In addition, Rakai Kayuwangi strive to promote agriculture, because agriculture will be able to support the activities of economic life rak¬yatnya. In the religious field, the attention of the king is very large. It is evident from the inscriptions found in the Dieng and Plaosan.
Sri Maharaja Rakai Rakai Watuhumalang reign can not be known, because the inscriptions from his reign no mention government period. Inscriptions terse¬but more talk about religious matters.
Therefore, during the reign of Rakai Watuhumalang, religious issues more specific attention than pemerin¬tahan problem.
Sri Maharaja Watukura Balitung, Balitung king is a king of Mataram large and competent. He managed to overcome the problems faced by the Kingdom of Mataram
of his reign no mention peme¬rmtahannya period.
Inscriptions terse¬but more talk about religious matters. Therefore, during the reign of Rakai Watuhumalang, religious issues more specific attention than pemerin¬tahan problem.
Sri Maharaja Watukura Balitung Balitung king is a king of Mataram large and competent. He managed to overcome the problems faced by the Kingdom of Mataram and reunite kingdoms almost torn apart by conflict antarkaum nobility. Increasing people's welfare and safety is ensured, even his territory extends to the East Java.
Balitung Diah ruled Mataram until the year 910 AD His reign was much left inscriptions. The most important is Mantyasih inscription Inscription (Kedu) which contains the genealogy of the kings of Mataram from King Sanjaya up with King Diah Balitung.
During his reign is known that there are three important positions, namely Rakryan I Hi-no (highest officials under the king). Furthermore Rakryan I Halu and Rakryan I Sirikan. The third position is the trinity and the name of this office continues to be used by subsequent kingdoms Singasari-Majapahit era.
Sri Maharaja Daksha Substitute Diah Balitung is Daksha. Before becoming King of Mataram he served as Rakryan I Hino. During the pemerintahan¬nya, manufacture Prambanan successfully completed. The reign of King Daksha did not last long and was replaced by Tulodhong. The reign of Tulodhong very short and did not happen the things that stand out or important.
Substitute Wawa Sri Maharaja Rakai King Tulodhong is Wawa. In carrying out his reign he was assisted by MPU Sindok who served as Rakryan I Hino. In the reign of turmoil that spread to the capital of the kingdom. Mess it can be overcome, so that security can be restored.
After Rakai Wawa died, he was succeeded by MPU Sindok. Narnun, because anxiety to attacks launched by Srivijaya, the MPU Sindok move the center of government, from Central Java, East Java. Since then, ended the power of the kingdom of Mataram in Central Java.
Sailendra dynasty
In the middle of the 8th century AD in the southern part of Central Java, namely in the area Bagelan and Yogyakarta, reigning king of the Sailendra dynasty. Kingdom also known as the Royal dynasty. Ber-based evidence in the form of relics of the kingdom dynasty temples, Sailendra territory covers the southern part of Central Java, which is the region of Yogyakarta and surrounding areas.
In the reign of King Balaputra dewa, it is known that the position of the center of the kingdom of Sailendra is located in a mountainous area in the south. It noodles based on the location of the palace relics Boko.
1. Source History
Sources history dynasty kingdom is not so much who made it known, either in the form of inscriptions and archaeological relics. Inscriptions have been found in them as follows.
Kalasan inscription (778 M) This inscription mentions a king of the Sailendra dynasty (Kingdom dynasty) who managed to appoint Panangkaran to establish a sacred building for Tara and a bihara for pastors. Panangkaran finally clicking Kalasan village as a present to the Buddhist Sangha.
Kelurak inscription (782 M) in the area Prambanar This inscription mentions the manufacturing area which is a manifestation of Manjushri Buddha, Vishnu, Manjushri and the Sangha, which can be equated with Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva. This inscription also mentions the name of the reigning monarch, named King Indra.
Inscription Boko (856 M) This inscription mentions the defeat of King Balaputra Gods in a civil war against his brother Pramodhawardani and subsequently fled to the Kingdom.
Nalanda inscription (860 M) This inscription mentions about the origin of the King Balaputra Gods. Mentioned that Balaputra god is. son of King Samarotungga and grandson of King Indra (the Royal dynasty in Central Java).
2. Political Life
At the end of the 8th century AD, Sanjaya dynasty pushed by another dynasty, the Sailendra dynasty. This event occurs when the Sanjaya dynasty ruled by Panangkaran. This was evidenced by Kalasan inscription (in 778 AD), which states that Panangkaran received orders from the King Vishnu to establish Kalasan (Buddhist temple).
Although the position of the kings of the dynasty were pressed by Sanjaya dynasty dynasty, but their position as a respectable king continues to be recognized. Just be subject to kings dynasty as the supreme authority over the whole of Mataram.
Based on the inscriptions which have found can know the kings that ever reigned Sailendra dynasty, among them:
King Indra Sailendra dynasty run policy of expansion in the reign of King Indra.
Periuasan this area is intended to bring the areas around the waterway. Furthermore, the strengthening effect of the Srivijaya dynasty rule is because King Indra run a political marriage. King Indra marry his son to the daughter of the King of Srivijaya "Samarottungga."
King Samarottungga Substitute King Indra named Samarottungga. Fada days of power built Borobudur. But before the construction of Borobudur Temple is completed, King Samarottungga died and was succeeded by his son Balaputra god who is the son of a concubine.
But actual entitled to replace is his daughter who was born of the empress named Pramodhawardani. He refused, because it is impossible able to govern. Finally throne submitted to Balaputra dewa (his half sister).
After Pramodhawardani married to "Rakai Pikatan " (who wants to unite all the power in Central Java under the Sanjaya dynasty) indicated a number of changes. Rakai Pikatan Pramodhawardani urged to withdraw his throne back, so there was a civil war between Pramodhawardani assisted by Rakai Pikatan with Balaputra dewa. In the civil war god Kala Balaputra Hill Boko (Inscription Boko year 856 AD) and subsequently fled to the Srivijaya, and immediately made king in the Kingdom.
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